Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Okay lovelies...I'm on a neverending quest to reduce the food budget. I'm reading this e-book 2012 family guide to groceries under $250 month. I got it from! I'll let you know how I like it:)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Catch up...

We have been busy! By that, I mean I, have been busy. And...I take far too few's a few to catch up...

Bella was in a play at school. She was a warewolf. How do you spell that? I don't know, but whoever did her hair had some serious skills. How do you make it look like that? She is posing with the guy who wrote the play. She was absolutely adorable in it and loved every minute of it.

The kids had fun at Halloween. They didn't actually trick-or-treat very long, but they got plenty of loot...which I refrained from throwing away this year. I know, I'm getting soft. Really, I just didn't care. I'm not even sure they at it all...I think it might've ended up getting dumped when I cleaned out their rooms.

And...Carter played his first season of football. He loved every minute of it. The determination in his eyes was priceless. He was all about tackling, even if it meant full body slams which he tried to do on occasion (provoked by his dad, of course). He was fun to watch because he loved being out there.

More to come..

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'm that lazy

We have a few new posts on our family blog that are pretty fun.  I'm too lazy to repost them, but check out to hear the hilarious antics of Nate. :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Halloween at last...

Here's a recap of our halloween activities.

First, the Trunk or Treat. Elizabeth was Abby Cadabby (from Sesame Street.)

It was cold that night so Natalie was a flamingo. (And she would NOT let me take a decent picture of her!)

The girls got WAY too much candy.

On Halloween, Elizabeth and I carved her pumpkin from the pumpkin patch and made her first Jack-O-Lantern. She picked the face out all by herself from a bunch of samples on the internet.

We went trick or treating at the outlet mall by our house that afternoon with Elizabeth's 3 quasi brothers. She liked being Abby so much she wanted to do it again.

That day was unseasonably warm so Natalie was Tinkerbell.

And she was still not interested in letting me take a decent picture of her.

Here's Elizabeth and her entourage. Do you love the mario and luigi costumes because I did.

Elizabeth did not want to take her nap on Halloween so I didn't make her...and this is what she looked like on the way home from the outlets. It was only 5:30 pm.

She woke up in time for dinner and decided she wanted to trick or treat at the neighbor's house and like 5 others. It worked out great. That was plenty for Natalie's attention span. Evidently she was over being told what a cute Tinkerbell she was.

Hope yours was great too!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Halloween Costumes?

This year, mom is tired so Charlie and Josie just decided to go as themselves for Halloween : )

Don't judge.. I let Josie have a sucker to pacify her while I handed out candy to the kiddos.
Had to get a shot that showed off Charlies ruffle leggings because once she had the tutu on, you couldn't see them (boo hoo). Plus her in that leotard is so yummy!
Needless to say, they were a hit at our wards trunk or treat!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sneak Peak

Here is one little sneak peak of my sweet little Josie's 6 month pics (even though she was really 7 months when they were taken). She looks sooo different from Charlie! I should get to see the rest of them in a couple days.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Does this look like "Failure to Thrive" to you?

I didn't think so. This is Natty pre procedure this morning. Those feet that you see in the background belong to none other than Uncle Marky. As an aside, if you ever have to take your baby to a surgery center, I highly recommend Marky. Hilarious and adored by Natalie, as you'd expect, but also very knowledgeable and universally well liked by the medical staff. So far so good.

And here's my perfect angel baby sleeping off some of that anasthesia. You can kind of see the tube that is coming out her nose, precariously taped to her face and down her back. That's hooked to a monitor that I have to carry behind her all day. The monitor could be worn as a backpack theoretically, but Natalie is so small it falls off her shoulders, even on the tightest setting. And yes, those things on her arms are the baby equivalent of a straight jacket. They're called "no nos" and Natalie must have heard it because she keeps glaring at them and saying "no no!" I'll try to get some video soon.

Meanwhile, her surgery notes say that her reason for procedure is ANOREXIA among other things. Does that qualify me for mother of the year? My baby is anorexic. (Not really, I'm sure it's a misprint but that's DEFINITELY going on my permanent record. I'm sure of it.) Now, which of you would like me to watch your babies for you? I'm really good at it. :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sucker anyone?

Stephen just returned from Singapore and he brought all the kids a present. Josie thoroughly enjoyed hers (look close!!!)

In August, Mackenzie and I went to Texas to be there for baby Lilah's birth. She is beautiful by the way. We went to Rebecca's house to visit the day after Lilah came home. Rebecca has 2 big boxers, and a little chihuahua too. This is the first time Josie has ever seen a dog... check out her reaction to the barking dogs.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pictures of baby Joseph

Hey Everybody,

I just finally posted some pictures of baby Joseph on my blog. I also made my blog somewhat private, but I tried to invite all of the family members so they can see them and be able to see my blog. If you did not get the invite, send me an email from the email you use now and I will send you a new invite.



Friday, August 12, 2011

The Girls Have Something They Want to Share

. . . coming Dec. 5th-ish

Sorry to all those who were hoping otherwise.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


So...I'm kind of ticked at the kiddies at this exact moment, but that doesn't change the fact that they really are good kids...and I am grateful...

This past couple of weeks during my recovery, Malia has been especially clingy. She likes to be with me all the time. The other day, she came up to me and started stroking my face and my hair and asked if I was feeling better. I told her that I was, and she said, "Oh good. I love you mom. You're the best mom in the world." So sweet.

Bella is a very sweet girl, by nature (when she's not sassy). She had a few dollars to spend at the dollar store and she insisted that I take her before Jake's birthday. She then bought Jake and Carter each a birthday present, something for Malia, and something for her. She is very generous with her money, not just this time, but all the time. She always buys something for one of her siblings when she has a few dollars to spare.

Jake went on his first real "scout camp." He's not quite 12 yet, but our friend Jeremy took him with a couple of his buddies. When he got home, he just couldn't wait to sit down and tell us all about it. It was late at night, but I enjoyed listening to his adventures, and couldn't help but wonder when he wouldn't want to sit down and talk to us any more...I know it's coming, but so far, he still likes us.

Malia was very jealous of Carter who was having a sleepover at Sammy's house this week. I do not like sleepovers, and she is so young, I didn't want her to have one. So, I told her she could have a sleepover with me, and she actually agreed! WE watched toy story together and then she slept on the floor in my room. In the morning when she woke up, she climbed in bed with me and we watched cartoons together. Then, we watched Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift music videos together. Again...I know there will come a time when hanging out with me is the last thing she wants to do, but for now, she loves it.

Walking into church today, Malia and Carter were both holding my hand. Carter will be 10 in a few days, but that boy loves his mama. Wonder if that will change soon too!

I'm not supposed to lift anything more than 10 lbs. The boys have been so great about carrying everything for me. They are so sweet about it. Carter even opens the door for me! They are good boys.

Jake got a weight lifting bench for his birthday today. He was so excited. I can't wait to see him lifting those weights...Since I caught him one time lifting weights in his bed, hiding from us, I know he is excited about it. The start of many years of weight lifting, I'm sure...

Carter has been off the pump for awhile while we try to get his blood sugar under control. He is really good about getting shots. When it was time to put his pump back in, he was very anxious about getting that sight in. Apparently, I didn't push it in hard enough, so he basically had a needle poking in and out of his skin until a couple hours later when I took it out completely...poor kid. Later that night, I tried it again, this time getting it in all the way, and when I was done, he said, "Thanks mom" and gave me a hug. He is a champ, that one.

Anyway, my kids are good sometimes when I'm feeling annoyed with them, it's good to write things down so I remember all the good things that they do...I really am enjoying this summer. It's the first summer when I feel like summer is flying by!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

5 days post-op thoughts...

So, I did it. It's done. I am sterile...and happy about it. The day of surgery, we went to Wild Waters to play until I had to leave. Since I couldn't eat or drink, I was a tad thirsty...the idea definitely crossed my mind to just "stick out my tongue" as I walked by the waterfalls everywhere and lap up some of that chlorine goodness...but I refrained (mostly because someone was with me all the time - they might've thought that was gross or something). Surgery was delayed (surprise surprise). The anesthesiologist was like 15, at best. Mom and Rick asked a million questions that I did not think to ask. When they finally took me into surgery, the anesthesiologist started talking to me about Valencia and then I felt "it." I said, "Hey, you drugged me already..." and drifted off to never neverland. I was unhappily woken up too soon by a nurse. I remember eating a cube of red jell-o so I could have some more pain meds but that's about it. I woke up in my hospital gown with a catheter in, at home, in bed. Huh? I remember waking rick up asking for more pain meds and that's about it...til the following day.

Mercifully, friends took my kids the next day so I didn't do much but lay around. At one point, we called the doctor to get different pain meds because I thought my abdomen was on fire...but the rest of the week passed in more or less routine stuff...made it to Bella's performance on Friday, went to Costco and the grocery store on Saturday, same old, same old.

Here's what I learned about having surgery:

1. Get rid of the children! If they're here, they're on me, or hugging me, or stroking my head and being entirely sweet and nurturing and letting me get absolutely zero rest.

2. Invite Nana. She is a great chauffeur. She fills the cupboards with all sorts of goodness (gluten-free and otherwise), she's great company, she'll watch chick flicks, she'll get you good pain meds, and she'll help you take your catheter out. TMI??

3. Hospital gowns are even less attractive in your full length mirror at home.

4. Vacuum before surgery. For some reason, you're not supposed to do it after...and let's just say, it shows.

5. Get moving. No time like the present. Might as well just suck it up and go for doesn't get any easier if you wait.

6. You get to keep parting gifts! For me, it was a catheter, a hospital gown, and some lovely pictures of my "innards!" Who knew? And who wants to see my pics?

And 7. Drugs are good. Very good.

So...who's next? Matty. Hope this advice is helpful.

Charlie loves Josie.... right??

They look like they are playing nice right here... but what is really happening is Charlie is taking away ANYTHING Josie can get her hands on. Then she usually runs away with it and throws it somewhere way out of Josie's reach and range of mobility.

Ummm... I don't even have words for this one. Charlie has Josie at Nerf gunpoint... Can you say anger management issues? She likes Josie, right?
Don't worry about Josie though... she is busy planning her revenge!


After watching the replay of the World Cup, Husband and I are literally sick to our stomachs over the loss. As the medal ceremony begins this occurs....

Stephen III: Awww, the USA looks sad.

Me: It's because they are.

Stephen III: I hate Japan... We did good at that nuclear bombing of them...

Me & Stephen: (horrified stares... speachless...)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

If you must know...TAMMY

I am having a hysterectomy on July 12th...I won't bore you with details...I'm expecting it to go smoothly and recovery should be fairly quick because it's laparoscopic. Mom has generously agreed to come hang out with me for a few days and then all will be back to normal...So...that's it.

In more fun news, we had a great time camping and I will post some pictures shortly...way better than a post about upcoming surgery...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Since I haven't seen any of you in way too long...

I just thought I'd post a couple of cute candids my friend caught of my girls when we were at Adam's softball game the other night. Natty is so big since most of you saw her last so I thought I'd remind you of her impossible cuteness so as to entice you out to TX to visit.

OK, come on out to TX! We'll take your kids to the park for a softball game and take cute pics of them too!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Matty vs. his knee

Well, my money is on Matty, but I'm all for stacking the deck. Surgery for Matty's knee is scheduled for this month so for anyone interested, I think it'd be a great idea to participate in a family fast (if you're capable of such) and/or a family prayer. This Sunday is fast sunday and I for one think Matty and Lisa have more fun places to invest their energy (like their two beautiful daughters and that sweet new baby who's due pretty soon) so let's pray that all goes well for him and that his recovery is quick and complete. We're pulling for you, Matty!

We'd love to include in this fast anyone else in need of medical attention. Ahem. Ahem. So if you or someone you know may or may not be receiving medical care in the near future, please feel free to include his/ her hame in your fast as well. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE....

Monday, June 27, 2011

Living The Highlife

That's what we do when Michelle leaves us for the weekend - live the highlife by eating those great foods that Michelle would absolutely hate. On Saturday, with Michelle in Valencia, we tried this dish I saw featured on Man vs. Food (a show the kids are addicted to btw; better than Wizards of Whatever Losers!!). And it was GOOD. Take a good quality all beef hot dog, split it down the middle with the casing in tact on the back side; grill both sides in butter; add Swiss cheese while grilling to get nice and melty; grill the hot dog bun in butter (like grilled cheese sandwich); spread strawberry jam on the bun, and enjoy. Sounds weird, but the salty with sweet is really good. Even Malia ate and loved it, and she's our pickiest eater. Give it a try, if you like good "man food" as Michelle calls it. Then on Sunday for lunch we had hot links heaped with deliciously caramelized onions. Yummy (though I'm a little hot dog'd out for a few a while).

Monday, June 13, 2011

Kids these days...

Carter: (after watching a commercial for Toddlers and Tiaras) What is that?
Bella: That's the show where the moms rip the kids' eyebrows off...

Huh? Then I thought about is somewhat true. The moms do wax the girls' eyebrows...but that's all she thinks of when she sees that?


Malia (talking to me): Mom, remember when I first stopped sucking my thumb at Jennifer Davy's? Wait no, before that, when I did a really good job...wait no, before than, remember when...Wait, let's start at the top.

(Seriously? Start at the top? You are 6!) least in our family.

An exchange between Malia and Carter:

Carter: Malia, can I have one of your candies?
Malia: Check your blood sugar first.

Yes, Malia, the 6-year-old even knows that Carter can't eat w/o checking his sugar...Can't get anything past that girl...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Memorial Weekend

We had such a great time in Cali for Memorial weekend. Thank you to everyone who made the trip so we could visit with you. We miss having family nearby : ( Just thought I'd share some highlights from our trip...

Slim enjoying a chocolate shake from In-N-Out before we hit the bounce house
Totally spontaneous hand holding from the usually feuding cousins. It was so cute! We were walking around Bridgeport after enjoying some Red Mango and Adelle just reached out her hand and Charlie grabbed it. The view from the back was even cuter just seeing those two little hands meet.
On Memorial day, we went to the park to hang out & play some ultimate frisbee. The younger kids loved the bubbles that nana got for them. And Aunt Michelle was so nice to keep blowing bubbles for them. (Check out Nates Bed Head... and what Charlie is holding in her squishy little hand... diet coke!)
Aunt Michelle sharing her diet coke with Captain Squishy... aka Charlie.
And you can't take a trip to Nana and Papa's house without squeezing in a trip to Tiny's!
This is the real reason I came to cali... Rebecca's baby shower for her sweet Lilah who has been waiting nearly 8 long years to come to this earth. Can't wait til she arrives! Michelle and Katie were too cool for their hideous straw hats.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011 post under this one first...definitely more important

Check this out people! Now that I have no school I have to focus my energy somewhere being cheap and getting the most for my buck! I was on my way home when I decided to stop at the Orowheat Outlet...and this is what I got for $10! Take a close look...there is one loaf of wheat bread, three bags of Pioneer rolls (18 rolls), two bags of potato hamburger buns (24 total), one bag of pretzels, one box of donuts (Malia snuck them in when I wasn't paying attention), one bag of GF hot cereal (DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THIS STUFF IS?????)! Awesome...and, this nice gentleman behind me gave me his "punch cards" which are now full and this purchase filled up my punch card which means I could've gotten three more things free...but, I decided to save it for my next visit because my freezer is STUFFED!

Lisonbees newest Deacon

Brandon successfully celebrated his 12th birthday and with it came the big day - his ordination as a deacon. He stood proud after the ordination with his dad, his uncles Mark and Adam, and his papa. We are all grateful to have been a part of this momentous occasion and also grateful for the choices he has made that allow him to be worthy of it. We expect great things of you in the future and it is a proud day for your family - way to go Brandon.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Step by step...

Okay folks, by now, y'all are probably aware that I have joined the ranks of the Tamster and I am gluten free. No big deal. It was a difficult transition for about two weeks and then I was over it and feeling better. I think the Lord likes to teach us things line upon line and this is one of those things. I am now gluten free casein free (dairy free). I could go into a big long explanation but who really wants to hear about those pesky digestive issues anyway. I have to SUCKS! I try not to be a complainer about the whole gluten thing because I don't want people to make their plans around what I will or won't eat. That makes me uncomfortable. I prefer to fly under the radar, if you will. However, this no dairy is crap, I tell you. No more of my beloved Greek Yogurt and worst of all, no more cheese. BLAST those cows! Well, technically, I guess it's not their fault. So, I did have an amusing experience force feeding the kiddies the soy yogurt that I took one bite of and wondered why they had mixed mustard into my yogurt. SICK people...So, I made all the kids try it so I could watch some good reactions and they did not disappoint. The only thing that was better was making the kids try my chocolate gfdf protein powder mixed into the soy milk. Seriously people, it was like you were downing muddy water with sand floating around. PRICELESS reactions. I don't think they'll be stealing any of my food any time soon. On the positive side, I do like almond small on cereal. Like with gluten, it's just better if I can eat whole foods that are naturally gfcf.

So, my goal for the summer is to figure out how to make some of my favorite barbeque sauce and bread crumbs and salad dressing that are gfcf so I can have something to eat. For the love! I am hungry people...really hungry. And I think the ultimate goal for me is to find chocolate that is gfcf. Once I have succeeded in those things, i will be happy and content. Until then, thank heavens it's summer and there are so many fantastic fruits and veggies in season and sold on every other corner by my house! Love those farmers!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nurses are People

I've been meaning to mention this because I think all the nurses out there may appreciate it.

Sarah has been learning to "be a nurse" to Matt by getting the ice pack, pillows, or water. She generally takes great pride in her job. One time, when Matt called her "doctor," she firmly reminded him that she is NOT a doctor, she's a nurse...."remember?" But on to the joke...Matt asked her to get him some water and a couple minutes later the cup drawer was open but I didn't see her anywhere. I called her name and asked if she was going to get daddy some water. She loudly replied from the bathroom, "I was going to but I had to go potty first because nurses are living people too!" I'm glad she has priorities. The water could wait. The bladder, however...

Friday, May 6, 2011


My kids have been asking a lot about what they were like as babies and toddlers...and we have been laughing pretty hard about some of their's a little trip down memory lane for you...

Jake was a nightmare. He cried all the time. One day on the way to the mall with Tammy, after listening to him cry all day, we realized it was silent. We were shocked. Literally, we didn't know what to do. But, good news, we figured it out because the not crying only last 10 minutes.

One day, Nana and Papa and Kristin and I don't know who all else watched Jake for me when he was a tiny infant. He screamed the whole time. After awhile, Kristin looked at him and said, "so sad fatso, so sad."

I used to drive Cameron Larsen and Brett to school in the morning sometimes. When Cameron would get in the back seat, Jake used to start screaming and frantically trying to bust out of his car seat. He didn't react to anyone else like that...just Cameron...and Cameron is such a nice kid!

Jake used to wake up at the crack of dawn. Having nothing better to do, I started taking him on walks around the neighborhood. He cried a lot of the time, but sometimes I could get him to quit by having him count the basketball hoops. Thankfully there were a lot of them. He could shoot a perfect shot by the time he was 2~Later when I walked with Lisa Peacock, he would scream most of the way still. It was mortifying and I thought that the neighbors would think I was abusing him or something.

Jake had a huge crush on his Aunt Katie. He loved to sit next to her or on her lap or just be near her. Justin used to mess with him and sit by her and hold her hand and Jake would get nuts!

Jake didn't like stuffed animals in his room as a baby. I would mess with him by putting one in. At naptime, when he would realize there was one in there, he would open the door, chuck the animal out, and shut the door. When I asked him why he did that, he said, "he was yooking at me." A la la la.\

Jake used to like to make up songs. He would sing mostly about basketball...

When Jake was in preschool, they used to have various members of the community come and visit (firefighters, policemen, dentists, etc.) Jake called them "visitors" and he DID NOT LIKE THEM. He refused to sit with the other kids and listen. Instead, he had to go with the teacher's aid, as far from the "visitor" as possible. Every day he would ask if a "visitor" was going to be there. He was terrified of them.

Carter wasn't allowed to have anything in his room besides his bed; nevertheless, he managed to break a second story window and then throw the shards of glass against the bunkbed and laugh hysterically at the noise it was making.

Carter's passie had to go at a year because it was giving him a rash. When we were anywhere near a baby with a passie, he would walk up, take it out of their mouth, put it in his and take off.

One Sunday, Justin and Katie were in town and we were at Carrie and Marks for something (baby blessing?). Katie and Justin had to leave and Carter when running down the street after them and asked Katie if she would remember him...

Katie was helping Carter get dressed after swimming one day and he asked Katie..."Katie, do you were underwear too?" When Katie said that she did, Carter replied, "big ones?"

Carter would fall asleep immediately as an infant if you would burrito him and put his passie in...

I could take Carter anywhere in a stroller for any amount of time and he would just sit and smile the whole time...

When we lived in our UCLA apt., I found Carter playing in the oven, standing on top of our computer desk, and various other dangerous and crazy places. So, we had to turn the door handles around on both doors and lock them from the living room side and put a gait up in front of the kitchen. He was confined to a space about 14 feet by 20 feet....

I knew it was time to switch rooms when I found Carter and Bella in their room playing "the naked game." No idea what that is...but we switched right then...

Bella has a dora pillow case. She only likes it one way, with the head and face facing the right way. When I would put her to bed, I would turn it the wrong way and mess with her. She ALWAYS noticed and turned it the right way.

When Bella's hair grew in, it was very whispy and stuck straight up...when it finally grew up, Somebody (she who shall not be named) asked me if they could cut my daughter's mullet. The nerve of some people!

Bella has always had a strong personality, and so does her cousin Camille. At a family vacation when they were 3 or 4, one of them bit the other one and the other one bit back and neither has bitten again!

Bella was wearing a red shirt and khaki capris to school one day at kindergarden. The teacher said Bella, you look like you work at Target. Without missing a beat, Bella turned to the girl next to her and said rolling her eye, "Like a kid could work at Target."

Malia is the only kid I have who actually liked naps and would ask for them. That didn't stop until about a year ago...oh, the beauty of a good napper.

I went back to school when Malia was 3 months old. She wouldn't take a bottle. I left her at Nana's house. One day a week, my lab was hours long. Not once, did she ever wake up during that lab class. A serious miracle...

Malia started stealing my diet cokes when she was less than a year old. I have a picture of her drinking out of a jumbo sipper when she was barely walking...Smart girl.

Malia really believed she was going to get married to Preston Minnick at family camp last year. She even asked me to go get her a wedding dress.

Malia's favorite thing to bring on our morning walks (still with Lisa!) was her blankie (old blankie and new blankie) and books...She still loves books!

None of my kids would eat bread (AT ALL) until they were at least kindergarden age and even now, they are not huge fans of it. WEIRD.

Okay, now I have some in print...before my brain gets too foggy and I totally forget about everything funny...


That's me. Malia asked me yesterday if I'd pick her up. I was in some stage of half awake delerium after waking up at 4 AM and then not getting home until 6 PM. I vaguely remember asking me to give her my pinky, which I did. Then she said "Ha! You pinky promised to pick me up early from campus club tomorrow." Uh huh what? Yep, I usually make her ride the bus home on Friday with the other kids, but apparently I pinky promised to pick her up early instead. Sigh...

Feeling crafty

I was feeling crafty the other day- I think making the burp cloths and hair bows for Rebecca inspired me... anyways, since Charlie's isn't really cooperating keeping her hair bows in right now, and since hair is at an awkward stage, I thought I'd try to make her a fabric headband. I had one in black and white, so I just used it as a template and made this one...

It ended up on the floor a couple minutes after I put it on her... but for those 2 whole minutes she wore it, she really rocked it!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Belated Easter Everyone!

Just wanted to show you guys the girls in their first matching dresses! My mother-in-law gave them to me and they ended up being the perfect Easter Dresses for the girls. Easter was Josie's first Sunday at church- yah I know she's 2 months old but hey! I took an extended maternity leave OK?!?!?

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Setting...Malia and Bella in the backseat of the car. Me driving, barely paying attention to their banter.

Bella: Malia, you know, you have competition for Preston now. (Preston has moved to Montana. He's Malia's BFF)

Malia: What?

Bella: Preston has a new friend named Hayley Bieber. His brother say he has Bieber fever. You might not get to marry him now.




Bella: Okay, okay. Don't be so sensitive about it

Me (laughing out loud)....

Monday, April 11, 2011

Josie's Blessing

Just wanted to post a few pics for those of you who couldn't be at Josie's Blessing. Josie wasn't very cooperative for pictures- but I did get a few decent ones.

I'm not sure who my photographer was that cut off Stephen's head...(Tammy... cough cough). No but seriously, Tammy was such a good sport taking a bunch of pictures for us. It's not her fault her subjects just aren't photogenic!
How cute is this picture of Nana and Papa??
Auntie Michelle giving Josie some love like only an auntie can.
Check out Natalie and Uncle Brett. This is such an awesome picture. I'm so glad Brett was able to come- and get acquainted with Natalie and with the Bark Scorpion : (
Look at these foxy ladies! I am so lucky to have been able to see Grandma Opal a few times in the last few years. Charlie and Josie don't know how lucky they are to have been held in her loving arms. She is still the spunky grandma you always knew. I hope I look that good at 90! Go Grandma! And let's not forget Natalie- the cutest, sweetest, best natured, smiliest baby ever!
Thanks to all of you who were able to make it out here to the hot hot desert for Josie's blessing. We love having family and were so grateful to be able to share this day with you. And for all those who couldn't be here, you were missed and we hope to see you soon. Mackenzie, Josie and I will be making a trip to Cali the last weekend in May so mark your calendars!!!