Justin and I are trying to figure out how this all works. PS my typing sucks. Maybe I can get better by keeping everyone updated about what we are doing. Justin studied for his CPA all day and I ran around getting ready for his big 30 birthday, which we will be celebrating with my family tomorrow night. Wish you all could be there. If anyone has advice about accepting your 30th with grace, it might be helpful. Turns out Justin is a little stressed about that.
The picture is of us getting stuck at DIA at 11pm when we were coming home from CA right after Christmas--it has nothing to do with anything except I wanted to see if I could put a picture.
I just thought you should know that when I heard on the news that people were stuck in DIA, I thought it was breathtaking. But this photo is even beyond my imagination. :)
Just so everyone is on the same page, I am not stressed out about turning 30 becasue I am not turning 30. Just like I am finally going to have a boy. Is it too much to ask for some freakin positive thoughts out there! There is still time. Let's have a family fast on Mundee and maybe I won't turn dirty-30. My 9 month fast continues for a male off-spring...thanks for your help.
My best advice for turning 30 is do it like I did, on a cruise ship somewhere between here and Mexico in complete denial that you are turning 30 and with no thought of children...present or future...It worked pretty well until I went home to three children who insisted on calling me mom. So good luck with that one.
We're eating all the boysenberries we can stand on your (child's) behalf...What more do you want from me? Adam refuses to wear any color suit but blue and has put away all ties with any flecks of pink in them. We're there for you.
Justin, when thinking about whatever birthday it is, keep in mind that Dale, Michelle, and Kristin have already gotten there and Tammy is not far behind -
Thanks a lot mom! You golks leave me out of this!
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