Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Music to my ears

Today, at dinner, Carter said to Jake, "Jake, you and me are best friends, right?" They drive me crazy, they wrestle and throw balls at each other, but when it comes down to it, they are best friends and it's adorable.


Michelle said...

That's kind of like us, hunh michelle? We wrestle and throw balls at each other, but when it comes down to it, we're best friends :)


Michelle said...

Oh Courney, I cant wait til you get home so we can snuggle....

Michelle said...

Wait...I thought WE were best friends. No throwing balls at you anymore. And you're not invited to my birthday party...in Texas.

Slam Dance

Courtney said...

I want everyone to take notice to Michelle's comment stating, and I quote "I can't wait till you get home so we can snuggle..." Ladies and gentleman, I'm wearing her down...

And Spammy, you're friends are not my family.