Thursday, September 11, 2008

Free time...

Today Malia had preschool which gives me 2 1/2 hours of beautiful free time. Business before pleasure, right...So, I did my annual Woman appointment (if you know what I mean). Then, I had 1 1/2 blessed hours all by myself. I went to the library. I wandered around all by myself in blissful peace. I looked at other books by authors that I like and checked out the computer for the best selling books. It was a thing of beauty. I picked out a couple books (including My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Piccoult - thanks Judy for that idea) and then I had enough time to go to 7-11 and get myself a big drink. I was driving down Clovis Avenue thinking...Did I die? Am I in heaven?

On a side note. After my fabulous free time, all H*** breaks loose. I had to pick up Bella from a friend's house, go home, make dinner, feed the girls and Rick and then go get the boys, hand them a snack, get Carter changed in the car, and take the boys to soccer. Then, we sit at soccer for an hour (which is actually quite pleasant...picture Carter, set free after being at school for 9 hours, with a ball, and freedom to run all over the place...good stuff). Then, I bring the boys home at 7:15 or so, fix them dinner, get them showerd and into bed. It's crazy, but that free time in the middle of the day is something of beauty...


jennifer said...

i don't know how you do it. i read this post so soon after we'd gotten home from soccer and our kids were still in the middle of homework. your kids had already been in bed for 30 minutes! how do you get them in bed so early? please share your secret!

Katie L. said...

I'm drooling. How long do I have to wait to do this?

Carrie said...

I think preschool is a small piece of heaven, basically any free time is bliss. I find myself excited to go to the grocery store alone...a little scary! Are you coming down anytime soon?

Mandolin said...

Not only is it a piece of beauty, but it is extremely necessary to be able to prepare to cope and deal with the rest of the chaos day! I so miss you! Are you coming to Utah soon? We are super broke so we won't be going anywhere, including Cali, anytime soon, but I sure do miss you! My brother comes home from his mish tonight, it brings back such memories of our mission, 11 years ago. Ahh!