Monday, September 15, 2008

You know you're a football finatic when...

You are helping your daughter (not son, daughter) learn to write the number 4 and she says, like a touchdown sign mom? (Meaning, of course the field goal uprights). Yep, you got it kid...


Ginger said...

That is really cute (or sad...)


Carrie L said...

Yes, Mark has already taught Allegra, who was doing it all by herself on Saturday . . . and we all know what team she was doing it for!

award said...

Benny can tell you the scores and who is winning, etc. They would be a cute couple in about 20 years (after he stops pursuing Bella!). Who did you and Rick cheer for in that last game??? I will miss you at the Rose Bowl when the 'Dogs kick some light blue booty!

Michelle said...

Aimee...who did I cheer for? ARE YOU SERIOUS? UCLA, of course. Unfortunately, there wasn't much cheering going on because there was NOTHING to cheer for. And, in my absence, Rick and Jake and my brother Mark will be cheering for the Bruins.

Rickterscale said...

Since I graduated from both universities, I have the privilege of being happy with any outcome, and choosing afterwards which team I was rooting for.