Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tender Mercies...

Yesterday when I was at Target I ran into Carrie Crane and the usual topic of the custody battle came up. I told her that there had been no movement in months and there is no end in sight. I also told her that this was just one of those weeks when I was having a hard time dealing with the whole situation, especially with stupid stunts "voldimort" has been pulling recently. I'm tired of living in a different state than my husband and not being able to start our lives together and work on blending our two families. As much as I love my work, I'm sick of that too. My house has been in escrow for how long??? When is the deal going to close? As I was laying in bed monday night, the thought really crossed my mind to pack up my car and just drive to Arizona without Mackenzie and tell her she could join me when all this crap was settled. OK, it's written proof that I'm going crazy. Carrie reminded me that as cliched as it sounds, to really make it a matter of prayer again. I've really tried to be patient with this whole situation but it's really wearing on me now. So I took Carrie's advice and readdressed this issue in my prayers. Yeah I'm sure Heavenly Father is sick of hearing it, which is why I try not to ask too often.

So today i'm at the shrink. After he finishes his "mormon bashing" rant I start to see some progress. Though "Voldimort" has been feeding him alot of crap, it appears that Dr. Bruce is seeing through it. He made several comments that really gave me some hope. He mentioned that Mackenzie should have no problem adjusting if she moves in the middle of a school year and that he thought he would be done with his evaluation by mid-November. If any of you recall, December has been my target date. That's the longest I can promise to stay sane in the midst of this custody battle. I was hoping that we could celebrate the holidays with the family in Cali and then pack up and move out to Arizona so Mackenzie could change schools in between semesters. Up until today, there were no indications that Dr. Bruce would be done in time. Now I have some hope that even if he falls a little behind, we still might make it to Arizona by the end of December. As if that wasn't a gift enough from the Lord, while driving home from the shrink's office Kevin (my realtor) sends me a text that we have officially closed escrow and asked if I wanted him to pick up my check. Christmas in September.

Thank heaven for the tender mercies from the Lord... and for the prayers that have been offered on our behalf.

Thanks everyone! I love you guys alot!



Michelle said...

Yeah for tender mercies...and yippee for you (closing escrow). I have no right to receive revelation for you or anything, but when I sincerely consider the events that have happened, I really think that sometimes you have to be put through the ringer before you see the big, huge blessings that await. Hang on and tell Steven to hang on too because there must be some SWEET REWARDS at the end of this crappy road you've been walking...

The Queen said...

Kristen you are an amazing woman. Michelle is so right, when all is said and done you will look back at everything you have gone through and know it is all worth it. Carrie is so awesome. She is always telling me to pray about everything. haha.

Congrats on the house closing. And as far as Christmas in Sep goes, there is a cute pair of shoes I have been wanting...

And does your shrink really mormon bash? that is so not cool. But I'm glad he is seeing Justin's true colors.

Katie L. said...

I love tender mercies. They make my days worth living.

I think you should celebrate by extending your trip out here!

Lisa said...

I am so glad there is some light shining through the grey. I really can't imagine how hard the separation and limbo must be and so I am glad to hear that our prayers are being answered!!

As a sidenote, the theme for this week's sharing time in primary is "Heavenly Father knows me. He will answer my prayers in ways that are best for me." I have been trying to figure out how to teach it, because it's a pretty big/hard concept for kids. But I suppose that they better learn it now, right?

j-liz said...

That is good news. We think about you guys often and are always waiting to hear that it has all worked out. I know it is easy to say from our side but we know it will. Hang in there.

Tamara said...

I agree with Justin. I think we all feel pretty confident that all will work out in the end but it's the time in between that is hard. We all wish we could do more than pray for you but I love the tender mercies in the meantime that remind you that Heavenly Father hasn't forgotten you. We'll pray for more of those for you as I know you have earned those blessings.

Courtney said...

You're my hero Krally. Seriously... I tell people that all the time. I feel like you can handle situations like this with more grace and dignity than anyone I know. I really do look to you as an example. Don't give up now or I'll have to give up during my challenges and you wouldn't want to be responsible for that...JK :) I lust you. I mean love you.

Carrie said...

I am also so grateful for tender mercies. I have been so overwhelmed with a nonsleeping baby and two other kids under 5 and a husband who is gone for a total of 9 weeks. I must say I really turn to the Lord when I am struggling more than when life is smooth. Why does the refiner's fire have to hurt so much?