Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Malia's game...

Every night when Malia goes to bed, in her prayers, she says, "Please help that Nana can come over tomorrow." Then she opens her eyes, looks at me and says, "Mom, can Nana come over tomorrow?" To which I replay, probably not tomorrow. She kept getting so mad that finally I started answering, "soon Malia. Nana will come over soon." So she extended her game. Now, at least 10 times a day she asks me when Nana is coming over. Well, thinking I would make her happy this week, I told her we were going to Nana's on Friday. She got so mad. She said, "No mom. I ask you when we go to Nana's house and you say 'soon.'" Lesson learned after like 5 times of this happening. So today, to give Rick a taste of it, I responded to her question this morning by saying "on Friday we'll go to Nana's house." She of course yelled back, "No mom, you say soon. Not Friday. Soon. OKAY?" I walked in the kitchen to find Rick chuckling because he had heard the exchange...

It is not a fun game. I am tired of answering the question 10 times a day only to be yelled at if I answer incorrectly. It's like being on some kind of sick game show you'd see on Groundhog Day (the movie). Someone get me out of here!!


Kristie said...

That sounds a lot like Haylie's argument with Eric one day: Haylie saw a STOP sign and said "Look, an opasagon" (Octagon) And Eric said, "Yeah, that's a stop sign". "No, Daddy, and opasagon!!" They went back and forth for longer than I care to remember. Isn't it fun trying to reason with a 3 year old?

The Queen said...

haha, that girl is funny. at least david can't tell me i'm wrong yet.

Courtney said...

That is just payback for Rick getting Carter to ask me "You like the fireworks Torny, hunh?"

Moohoo ha ha!!!

Dee Lisonbee said...

You know you cant help loving a little(or big) girl who loves her nana

Dale said...

The other day the kids were eating dinner and Brittany said "Go sleep and then go Emmas house." They love going to Emma's house. They don't quite have the weekday/weekend thing down so they think everyday they are going to Emma's house the next day.

Yesterday when I was getting Brandon ready for school, he was a little tired. He said, "I wish school was from 11 to 1." Wow. I wish work was from 11 to 1 too.

Katie L. said...

I think Brandon is on to something here.

Katie L. said...

Malia's game reminds me of the why game. Emma loved to play the why game at that age. Eventually I would just run out of answers and ask her, "what do you think?" Then she asked me, "why?" Dang it!