Thursday, October 9, 2008

Isn't it nice to be among the young marrieds?

So, all of us California "Saints" were asked to attend a broadcast last night regarding Proposition 8 (defining marriage as only between a man and a woman). They extended a special invitation to those single and young marrieds between the ages of 18-34. That's me! I am still a young married! Boo ya! Their reason for doing so was so that they want "us" to "do what we do." AKA, blog, text, chat, instant message, etc...So, being that I am one of the "young marrieds," I would like to express my support for Proposition 8. Believe me, this was not an automatic yes for me, but after careful consideration, I support it! So, tell your friends, tell your neighbors, text, blog, talk, whatever you do....but if you're in California, please register to vote and vote for Proposion 8. There...done.


Katie L. said...

I'm feeling those days get further and further away by the minute.

Dionne said...

What? I am not a young married anymore? What the?