Sunday, October 26, 2008

More Malia...

So, today is a good day for Malia stories. Today at church, our sacrament meeting ran over a little bit and the kiddies were getting restless. I should start with the fact that we were a little late and had to sit in the overflow which means metal chairs. Malia was not happy about it. She started screaming, "I don't want to sit here, I don't want to sit here..." over and over. We did get her calmed down eventually but at the end of sacrament meeting, she was holding her naked barbie playing make believe. Her conversation, at full fledge loud voice tone, went something like this..."Plankton, it's me, Barbie. Plankton, I said, it's me, Barbie. Plankton, what are you doing?...and so forth. She would not quiet down. She just kept having this conversation. Then, when it finally came time for the closing song, she started singing, "Connected" from Barbie and the Diamond Castle along with the organ. Only, she was REALLY LOUD. The people in front of us will not make the mistake of sitting near us again. I'm sure of it.

Then, tonight, it was about 9:30 and we had put all the kids to bed. Malia came downstairs and was crying a "I'm scared" or I'm hurt" type of cry. I picked her up and took her back upstairs to try and calm her down. Finally, I grabbed her blanket and laid down with her on our bed (the beautiful one pictured below). Finally, she calmed down long enough to tell me she was scared of the flowers. (Okay....). Then, a few seconds later, I feel it get all warm...yep, you guessed it, she peed all over me and our fancy new bed...all our covers, the sheets, all the way down to the mattress. When I said, "Malia, did you pee?" she calmly said, "Yes." And proceeded to lay back down ON ME. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I thought I was over being peed on! I thought I was going to be able to go to bed on our nice freshly made new bed. Actually, maybe I still will...she peed on rick's side. Hee hee.


Ginger said...

I'm betting the people sitting in front of you at church were grateful for the distraction!

Your new bed is beautiful (Great job, Rick!)... I would give a big thank you to Malia for baptizing it so quickly! hehehe

Katie L. said...

Ahh, there is nothing I hate more than peed mattresses and carpet. Unless it's vomit. But still, scrubbing peed things is the bane of my existance--it seems to happen to me a lot. I've lost count of how many sets of sheets I've washed in the last week, and there are still some to go...why do we have kids again?

Tamara said...

Alalalala. Sweet dreams, richterscale!