Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Okay people, I was just thinking that we eat a variety of stuff..very few repeats in a month or even a couple of months, but there are some things I could not live without. Of course, we're making it a given that you have milk, bread, eggs and cheese, but at my house you will always find these things in my cupboards/fridge: bell pepper, light cool whip, garbanzo beans, cans of diced tomatoes and tomato sauce, and yogurt. What are your staples???


Dee Lisonbee said...

this is pretty sad - as I thought of my staples they are: peanut butter, chocolate chips, cream cheese, canned chile, tortilla chips, crystal light lemonade and maybe some jelly.

Dale said...


j-liz said...

Blue Bell Ice Cream. I haven't found a single flavor that I don't like.

Tamara said...

You asked for it. Cocoa Pebbles, yellow corn tortillas, applesauce, yogurt, cheddar cheese and skim milk.

Katie L. said...

corn chips, yogurt, cheese, cereal, REAL butter, and baking supplies, and my candy bowl--can't live without that!

jennifer said...

crystal light
mexican shredded cheese
sourdough bread (for logan)
pretzles (also for logan)
eggs (we go through at least 5 DOZEN A WEEK!)