Sunday, April 26, 2009

Malia's first talk

Today Malia gave a talk in primary. She was really excited to "talk in the microphone." But, she was very insistent on what she wanted to say. She wanted to tell them that the princesses did not come out at Disneyland. When I tried to tell her we would be talking about Jesus, she responded, "I don't have to if I don't want to.", I took her out during sacrament meeting and stood her up at the microphone so she could see what it would be like and she again insisted on talking about the princesses at Disneyland. I did finally succeed in getting her to agree to stuff like, "I like to come to primary and I like to read the scriptures." But, she refused to say anything living with Jesus again (the topic of the talk). When it was all said and done, she did a good job. It was hard to hear her, but she did it and she repeated what I wanted her to say without any huge incidents. It would have been pretty funny if she had said something about the princesses...though I don't think it would have really surprised anybody. Malia has already made her mark in primary...they all know her too well.

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