Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Life lesson learned...

When we lived at UCLA, I remember Ginger (Judy's sister) saying something about how she had refused to let a pediatrician do some test or something on one of her children. For some reason, it had never occurred to me until then that you can say no to a doctor. You are the parent or the patient and you have the right to decide what's best for you (or your child). Well, today I went to the endodontist. I think this is like my 6th appointment trying to get a root canal done. (Not that I want it, by the way, just that it needs to be done). Anyhow, I had a change in insurance half way though and had to start over again. I'm tired of going to consultations so I can wait another four weeks, go to another consult, wait four weeks (for insurance approval) and then get the procedure. So today, I had an early appointment. You all may no mornings are not my forte. The dentist took an x-ray, looked at it, poked around in my mouth a bit and said, "You need a root canal." Thank you. Next. Then he got out this little stick with ice on the end of it and said he was going to put it on the cavity to see if I am sensitive to hot and cold. I said, "Absolutely not." (I had already explained to him my teeth are sensitive to hot and cold and there was no reason to test that theory on an already hurting tooth). He said, "No, it's not for pain, it's just to test sensitivity." Excellent. The answer is still "No." He seemed surprised that I was still resisting and even more surprised when he said it would just take a second and my response was still, "NO." He got mad, took off his gloves and threw them down, and said, "Unbelievable." Then he walked out.

Now people, if someone says to you, let me just take this sharp knife and cut your arm a little bit to see if it bleeds. Not a big cut, just a little one. Are you going to let them do that? ME NEITHER. Then why should I let him put ice on my tooth? I SHOULDN'T. Unfortunately, I don't have a choice as to who the specialist is and I hear he is very good, so I'm still going to have to go back. BUT, he did give me a presciption for valuum (sp?) WITH a refill. Apparently he thinks I'm high strung or something...


The Queen said...

THIS is why I love you!!!! You are my HERO!!!!!!!! Oh how I wish you had had a video camera. I would pay big bucks to have seen his face.

Ginger said...

If I have helped just one person live a better life, my rudeness is all worth it. hehehe :-)

You go girl!

PS... it was for a lead test... no way I was going to let them do that to my kids!!! We are not at risk, and I don't need my kids having that trauma!

j-liz said...

I think you should give the dentist the cutting your arm example the next time that you see him. Better yet, just kick him in the shin after your next check up. You can follow it up by saying, "Just checking to see if that hurts."

Lyle said...

That's so awesome--I will now put you on my list of "People I Want to Be More Like."

Lisa P said...

ahh gotta love 'em... except when you don't! Great lesson to all, Michelle--excellent!

Susanne said...


I said something akin to our pediatrician last week and got a very strange look.

Kudos to you!

Carla said...

Yay Michele!!
When Ginger was 9 months old, the dr. wanted a blood work up for her.
Routine stuff... NOPE!!not my baby.
The staff was shocked. :)
I've got sensitive teeth. The unbelievable one was the dr.
And no, you don't need Valium. You might want to offer it to the dr. before he begins his session with you, though. :)

Tamara said...

I wish I'd thought of that when I got my two root canals in February.

the organic kitchen said...

I learned you can and often should say no to doctors. I also learned they are NOT used to it and hate it! As soon as they stop being the fourth leading cause of death in America (it's true, google it!)I will be more likely to say yes.Good for you BUT since he is in control of your novacaine, let's hope he's not spiteful...