Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Family Went to Disneyland Without Me and Left Me at Home By Myself to do Really Really Hard Work: DAYs 3 and 4

On Day 3 I managed to lay another 25 tiles, filling out the eating area and tiling around the kitchen island.

I took a day off work on Day 4 so I could spend the day tiling. I ended up the day cutting tiles, leveling the bathroom floor and pulling up a tile that broke because I didn't have any thinset under a corner (no, I haven't made that mistake again). I didn't lay any tiles today, which is a bit of a disappointment. But with all these cuts done, hopefully tomorrow after work I can lay a ton of tiles and knock out the rest of the kitchen.


Michelle said...

Nice work. Just one question keeping me up at night. I have the are you taking these pictures? I keep forgetting to ask you when I talk to you...

Rickterscale said...

camcorder. that's why the pics suck.