Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Deep thoughts...
The other day on the radio, I heard the line "we're all only one phone call away from our knees." I know someone who got that phone call today. So, today, I am especially grateful for status quo...nothing great, nothing terrible going on in my life and that's good for now...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Where's Marilyn Monroe when I need her?

Kraly stone park. Where do I begin? Where does anyone begin when it comes to the woman who called me in the law school library to sing happy birthday to me in the Marilyn Monroe voice? Or to the woman who taught me all about making my little brothers into cross dressing toddlers? Oh, I know where: Tudy. That's right. I just said it. And I'll do it again. Tudy. And Moo moo. 99 New York. And Moo moo again.
That means I don't want it. Stop playing "guess who." No, Mark will not be joining you in the delivery room. What did the cat say to the rat? And what did the King Lion say to the Mouse Wizard? We'll always have the Barbie Ice Cream Parlor.
Growing up, I always idolized Kristin. She was fearless. She always had the guts to do, say and be everything I only thought of. She's one of those people you'd love to be able to hate on, just because she's beautiful, talented, brilliant, charismatic, etc., but you just can't because she's so freaking hilarious, you're just dying to be around her.
I remember being in study hall in the library at Saugus High when they announced over the PA that Kristin had made homecoming court and before I could help myself, i blurted out "that's my sister!!" I was so proud in all of my nerd magic freshman-ness. And then there was that day that a guy at school came up to me and said "is it true that you are Kristin Lisonbee's little sister?" I told him that I was and then he looked at me half shocked/ half disbelieving and said "Do you think there's ANY chance you'll grow up to be as hot as she is?" If only... Kristin was like some kind of an icon. She practically had groupies following her around.
More importantly though, I know of precious few people on the planet more generous than Kristin. I remember when I had a rather unfortunate incident on my mission and Kristin was the only person I told. I needed some help getting a new pair of glasses as mine had not made it through the incident. I didn't want to worry mom and I knew Kristin would keep it a secret if I asked her to. In no time at all, I received a package in the mail with cute new clothes, a hilarious note, a few new lip glosses and other incredibly thoughtful fun stuff. She certainly did not need to send me any of those things but she did. That is so typical of Kristin. She is always anticipating needs and fulfilling them before anyone has to be made uncomfortable enough to ask. It's no wonder she is such a gifted nurse. Her patients are so lucky to have been cared for by a person so intellectually gifted and so innately compassionate.
Let's talk about how when I got my wisdom teeth out, Kristin hung around at Mom and Dad's all afternoon changing my nasty guaze for me, each time making me look away so I didn't see how yucky it looked. Or how she kept me company for hours at a time when I slipped a disk in my back. I could literally barely stand up on my own but when the doorbell rang, Kristin looked over at me and said "race ya." That's what I mean. She's just so compassionate and thoughtful and she does it all while still being the most hilarious company anyone could ever ask for.
I'm so glad to be the Dad of Kenz. It was a great job for a lot of years and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I so appreciate how she let me be a part of Kenz's life during such an important and pivotal time in my life. She really will likely never know how much I needed that or how important those times were to me.
Well, I'm off to supercurl but I'll make sure and think of you while I'm spastically pretending to be asleep all the while whacking people as I flail my arms to and fro. Try not to keel over and die when you see me walk into the room. You either, Justin. Happy Birthdee, Kraly. Hope it's the best one yet. Mud spot, over and out.
HBD Kristin!
So, maybe the only person that remembers the genesis of that is Dad. We went to the store to get a cake for Kristin's birthday. I think maybe she was with us or something, because Dad was trying to be discreet. He asked the baker worker to write HBD Kristin (as in short for happy birthday). So, when we picked up the cake, it literally read: "HBD Kristin." Seriously? Anyway, it was one of those moments that will live in infamy.
Kristin, I wanted to say happy birthday. I am very glad that the last year is over for you and that you are now able to move on to bigger and better things. (No that is not a pregnancy or size of belly joke.) :)
I'm excited for you and nervous for you at the same time. It has been just under 5 years since the girls were born, but already it seems like aeons ago. I have forgotten what it is like to have a baby around. Have you? Maybe suppressed is a better word for it.
So the big 2-9, hey? Can't believe you are almost 30! I used to be good at math so if you are forgetting your age, just take my word for it.
As far as a roast ... I got nothing. I really hope this is a fun time for you and that you receive all the blessings you richly deserve and have worked so hard for!
Kristin, I wanted to say happy birthday. I am very glad that the last year is over for you and that you are now able to move on to bigger and better things. (No that is not a pregnancy or size of belly joke.) :)
I'm excited for you and nervous for you at the same time. It has been just under 5 years since the girls were born, but already it seems like aeons ago. I have forgotten what it is like to have a baby around. Have you? Maybe suppressed is a better word for it.
So the big 2-9, hey? Can't believe you are almost 30! I used to be good at math so if you are forgetting your age, just take my word for it.
As far as a roast ... I got nothing. I really hope this is a fun time for you and that you receive all the blessings you richly deserve and have worked so hard for!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Preschool funny...
So, this week I worked in Malia's preschool. It was an interesting experience. Preston is in Malia's class and he can't say his L's. So, there's a girl in their class named Lemlem. (Yes, you read that correctly). Preston pronounces it "Num num." And then...I heard Numnum talk...she sounds like she's chewing on something or has a mouth full of marbles when she's talking. I know I shouldn't laugh, but when Numnum was talking and it sounded like she was talking with her mouth full, I couldn't help it. It thought it was hysterical. I obviously need to get out more...
Monday, September 21, 2009
My first race...
I have never run a race before...but I signed up for one on October 24th...It's the Susan G. Koman fundraiser for breast cancer. It's kind of cool because the race is on Grandma Vivian's birthday and she was a breast cancer survivor...Anyway, it's only a 5K but it should be fun...now who wants to sponsor me????
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday...the day before Sunday
Soccer season has officially begun. Carter, in his own words, thinks he's a professional. I like to let him think that. A little confidence is good for a kid. Anyway, it was 101 degrees but it felt more like 150. Seriously! We were melting out there. . Carter got to do some of his "monster" kicks which have always been his best skill in soccer. He can launch the ball like nobody's business. To celebrate, we went to In-N-Out and had some dinner. Oh...and I got to eat a burger protein style with none of the yummy toppings because of "the challenge." It was still delicious. And the best part about Saturday is that it's the day before Sunday...my "free" day where I will indulge in as many diet Cokes as I want as well as something sweet. Oh, how excited I am for tomorrow. It's been a long week. Never has Sunday seemed so glorious to me. I wish I could go to bed right now do so I could wake up to a nice cold diet coke. So, for those of you who are in my ward, if I seem extra happy tomorrow or have a bit more energy...it's because I've had a "few" before church...Oh happy day. The simple pleasures in life...
Friday, September 18, 2009
My best imitation of Kristin...
If you've ever watched one of Mackenzie's soccer games, you know what I'm talking about. Kristin gets kind of nuts. Well, today, Jake had his first football game. I was all excited and so was he. Rick took the afternoon off to go watch him play. We sat out in the blazing son for one hour...and Jake never stepped on the field. I was pissed, but okay. Then Jake came over after the team huddle sobbing because he didn't get to play. That did it. Rick went over and talked to the coach. I don't know what he said, but I couldn't let it go because then I had to go over and talk to him. This guy was Jake's third grade teacher. He knows that Jake eats, sleeps, and breathes football. I tried to be, shall we say, "sane", and just let him know how disappointed Jake was that he's worked all these weeks so hard and that he didn't even get to step on the field. He said he was sorry and he'd tried to get everyone on..but I know Jake wasn't the only one he left out. Hello.....he had an hour, he should've been able to give everyone a shot to play. This is j.v . people and they were winning the game. I feel like psycho parent right now and tackling anyone who gets in the way of Jake playing football. However...luckily, Rick drove us home, and all I can do is take my wrath out on the blog. The coach isn't going to have to deal with Jake's severe depression all weekend. I am. So, to Reagan's j.v. coach, all I have to say is ....YOU SUCK!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Day three...
Day three with no diet Coke. Result: a splitting headache and I am completely exhausted. Okay people, before you go all judgmental on me, let's remember that I was only drinking one measley diet Coke in the morning...none after that. I had already given up diet coke during the day because it interrupts my sleep at night...I can't imagine how I'd feel right now if I had been on my former regimen of a super big gulp every day...I am triumphant, however. I sat in a meeting yesterday from 8:45 til about 3:15 where we were treated to lovely snacks (m&m's, cookies, crackers, and all i could drink diet Coke) but I did not cave...not even a single m&m (also part of "The Challenge.") The librarian even brought her famous cookies and I took one and then stashed it in a napkin to bring home to Rick for later. So, three days down, 81 to go...Wish me luck.
By popular demand
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125192090269180725.html (Wall Street Journal link)
Maybe now life will get back to "normal".
Maybe now life will get back to "normal".
Monday, September 14, 2009
My morning routine
I am currently sitting in my family room with the windows open because it is a little chilly outside...a refreshing change from the stifling summer heat. All the kids are at school and I have one hour before I have to pick up Malia from preschool. What am I doing? Besides playing on the computer, I am eating some cantaloupe and reading a book. Yes, I could be cleaning the house or doing some work for Elise...but today is my first morning without diet Coke. You see, i have a routine in the morning...get up, put a diet coke int he freezer, go for a jog, come home and drink diet Coke which is perfectly slushy. But alas, today is the first day of "The Challenge" that I am participating in and i will lose points if I choose to have my diet Coke. It is 9:35 and I am okay so far...But, I did decide to treat myself to some serious relaxation instead. So, wish me luck. i didn't sleep well last night and one diet coke would be great now...but I must win this game I'm playing...must win.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I'm getting married
Did I get your attention?
Last night, Stephanie said that Brittany and Brooke were telling her they are going to get married in the temple when they grow up.
When asked who they wanted to marry, Brittany said, "I'm going to marry Daddy!"
Brooke said, "I'm going to marry Nana!"
Stephanie explained the gender problem with that.
Brook then said, "I'm going to marry Papas!"
I thought that was adorable. Problematic. But adorable.
Last night, Stephanie said that Brittany and Brooke were telling her they are going to get married in the temple when they grow up.
When asked who they wanted to marry, Brittany said, "I'm going to marry Daddy!"
Brooke said, "I'm going to marry Nana!"
Stephanie explained the gender problem with that.
Brook then said, "I'm going to marry Papas!"
I thought that was adorable. Problematic. But adorable.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Is it wrong that I am completely stoked that our electricity bill was less than $300? Because I am seriously excited...It was hot this past month and we didn't OD on AC!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Why I never blog any more...
Well, first there was summer. And, I spent about every waking moment trying to entertain the children. My house was a wreck, I got nothing done, but most of the time the kids were sufficiently entertained. And now, it's not summer any more. In fact, I have the days to myself...with just Malia hanging on for the ride. However, with school starting, so did a crazy schedule. Let's see, there's Jake's football which lasts until 4:30 every day. There is a bus to take him home, but he won't take it because he doesn't like the bus driver, so I have to pick him up. Then there's Carter's soccer practice on Monday and Wednesday Evenings and Bella's soccer on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Jake has football games on Fridays except for this week he has one on Saturday. Carter has a soccer tournament next Saturday...three games in one day. Oh, and let's not forget Jake's choir and band which is mostly during school hours but there are other performances also. This week I have enrichment (right this second, actually) as well as Back to School Night...oh, and of course, I'm the den leader so there's that on Tuesday nights also. I missed the PTC meeting because it interfered with soccer and scouts and I couldn't figure out how to be in three places at once. And let's not even talk about homework. I gave Carter a pass tonight after he worked on it from the time he got home until he left for soccer...I think we were all over it at that point. Every kid has to read for 30 minutes a night and we try and get family scripture study in too every night. I did make it to the temple this week which is a personal victory for me...actually, I think that was last week, but whatever. And then there's my work for Elise which is a steady flow and trying to volunteer in the kids' classrooms at school. I have to volunteer in malia's preschool twice every two months. I guess that's about all I do...except for the usual cooking, cleaning, jogging, laundry, and those things we all do every day. Oh, except at my house, I am super cheap...so laundry is an evening only chore (when the electricity's cheaper). So, as if my nights weren't packed enough, I throw in a few loads of laundry every night so that awaiting me in the morning is a big old pile to fold...Somehow, in the middle of this tornado that is my life right now, I don't find time to blog...I do, however, find time to watch college football on Saturday! And it rocked last weekend, if I do say so myself. Anyway, so that's where I've been. However, it's about to get better. A challenge I am participating forces me to "journal" every day. Since this is about the closest thing I have to a journal...you people are in for a real treat (said sarcastically, of course). That begins next Monday...so until then...I'll just go back to my little life...
Saturday, September 5, 2009
5 months and counting
Friday, September 4, 2009
A week in the life
It started out Sunday with our ward getting combined with another ward. All ward callings from both wards were released other than the Bishop and the two counsellors. So, no more EQP.
I believe it was Monday night that I was heading out to my car at midnight. As I got to the car, it would not start. The battery was dead. And, my cell phone was dead. Luckily, security at the building had a portable jump starter. So, they gave me a jump and I got home OK.
The next morning, I went out to take Brandon to school. As we got in the car, it would not start. I was surprised because I thought the jump the night before and the long drive home should have recharged it. WRONG. So, I borrowed my neighbor's cables and jumped it using the Expedition. As I bent down to pick something up, my medicine fell out of my shirt pocket onto the ground. I eventually get underway and realize I don't have my breakfast (instant oatmeal) or my lunch. I then go to the mechanic to have the battery checked. It needed to be replaced. Wonderful. He said it would take 15 minutes. He went to pick up a battery and came back a while later, WITHOUT one. He said apparently my car (Hyundai Elantra) is so exotic that it has a custom battery. It took an hour or two to get one. I finally got one and headed in to work. I was a wonderful day that lasted until midnight and included getting unfairly chewed out and berated in front of a few people for something I should not have been chewed out for.
The next day, I had more fun. I can't remember with what, but it fit right in with the above.
The next day, I had one of the highlights of my legal career. I learned that a deal I have been working on made the front page of the Wall Street Journal. To put that in context, most lawyers will never have that happen in their entire career. I will probably never have that happen again in my entire career. A partner from one of the country's most prestigious firms thought it was so cool that he kept a copy of that article for posterity. So, that was a bright spot in an otherwise painful week. I capped that day off with a celebration that involved reviewing documents and hanging out at the office until 2:30 am.
I followed that up by getting to bed at 3am, only to turn around and get up at 6am to make my 7am Dr. appt. So, it was a special week. Very long. Very tough, but it included one of the highlights of my career. I hope you can see it in your minds and I hope it is beautiful. (Bad paraphrase, but you know where that comes from.)
I believe it was Monday night that I was heading out to my car at midnight. As I got to the car, it would not start. The battery was dead. And, my cell phone was dead. Luckily, security at the building had a portable jump starter. So, they gave me a jump and I got home OK.
The next morning, I went out to take Brandon to school. As we got in the car, it would not start. I was surprised because I thought the jump the night before and the long drive home should have recharged it. WRONG. So, I borrowed my neighbor's cables and jumped it using the Expedition. As I bent down to pick something up, my medicine fell out of my shirt pocket onto the ground. I eventually get underway and realize I don't have my breakfast (instant oatmeal) or my lunch. I then go to the mechanic to have the battery checked. It needed to be replaced. Wonderful. He said it would take 15 minutes. He went to pick up a battery and came back a while later, WITHOUT one. He said apparently my car (Hyundai Elantra) is so exotic that it has a custom battery. It took an hour or two to get one. I finally got one and headed in to work. I was a wonderful day that lasted until midnight and included getting unfairly chewed out and berated in front of a few people for something I should not have been chewed out for.
The next day, I had more fun. I can't remember with what, but it fit right in with the above.
The next day, I had one of the highlights of my legal career. I learned that a deal I have been working on made the front page of the Wall Street Journal. To put that in context, most lawyers will never have that happen in their entire career. I will probably never have that happen again in my entire career. A partner from one of the country's most prestigious firms thought it was so cool that he kept a copy of that article for posterity. So, that was a bright spot in an otherwise painful week. I capped that day off with a celebration that involved reviewing documents and hanging out at the office until 2:30 am.
I followed that up by getting to bed at 3am, only to turn around and get up at 6am to make my 7am Dr. appt. So, it was a special week. Very long. Very tough, but it included one of the highlights of my career. I hope you can see it in your minds and I hope it is beautiful. (Bad paraphrase, but you know where that comes from.)
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