Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm getting married

Did I get your attention?

Last night, Stephanie said that Brittany and Brooke were telling her they are going to get married in the temple when they grow up.

When asked who they wanted to marry, Brittany said, "I'm going to marry Daddy!"

Brooke said, "I'm going to marry Nana!"

Stephanie explained the gender problem with that.

Brook then said, "I'm going to marry Papas!"

I thought that was adorable. Problematic. But adorable.


Michelle said...

Malia tells me all the time that she's going to marry me. I don't bother explaining the problems with that. She is also, however, set on marrying Preston, her adorable little friend. She was even all set to do it when we were camping this summer. I love little girl fantasies...

Katie L. said...

Camille even goes so far as to tell me she is having two kids named Max and Sara. Sometimes she is going to have a dog and sometimes not, but her backyard is totally planned out and will include a swing-set, a pool, a hot tub, and a trampoline.

Tamara said...

I recall once being quite convinced that I was going to marry Papas once upon a time. Papas is pretty great, I'll admit, but I'm fairly confident she (like me) will grow out of that fantasy. Nana and Papas have quite the fan club, eh?:)