Friday, September 18, 2009

My best imitation of Kristin...

If you've ever watched one of Mackenzie's soccer games, you know what I'm talking about. Kristin gets kind of nuts. Well, today, Jake had his first football game. I was all excited and so was he. Rick took the afternoon off to go watch him play. We sat out in the blazing son for one hour...and Jake never stepped on the field. I was pissed, but okay. Then Jake came over after the team huddle sobbing because he didn't get to play. That did it. Rick went over and talked to the coach. I don't know what he said, but I couldn't let it go because then I had to go over and talk to him. This guy was Jake's third grade teacher. He knows that Jake eats, sleeps, and breathes football. I tried to be, shall we say, "sane", and just let him know how disappointed Jake was that he's worked all these weeks so hard and that he didn't even get to step on the field. He said he was sorry and he'd tried to get everyone on..but I know Jake wasn't the only one he left out. Hello.....he had an hour, he should've been able to give everyone a shot to play. This is j.v . people and they were winning the game. I feel like psycho parent right now and tackling anyone who gets in the way of Jake playing football. However...luckily, Rick drove us home, and all I can do is take my wrath out on the blog. The coach isn't going to have to deal with Jake's severe depression all weekend. I am. So, to Reagan's j.v. coach, all I have to say is ....YOU SUCK!

1 comment:

Lisa P said...

wow! They don't have a rule about playing the kids a minimum number of plays? And come on--it's Jake. I can't believe there's 22 kids that are better than him. And, I agree about the sucking thing.