Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday...the day before Sunday

Soccer season has officially begun. Carter, in his own words, thinks he's a professional. I like to let him think that. A little confidence is good for a kid. Anyway, it was 101 degrees but it felt more like 150. Seriously! We were melting out there. . Carter got to do some of his "monster" kicks which have always been his best skill in soccer. He can launch the ball like nobody's business. To celebrate, we went to In-N-Out and had some dinner. Oh...and I got to eat a burger protein style with none of the yummy toppings because of "the challenge." It was still delicious. And the best part about Saturday is that it's the day before "free" day where I will indulge in as many diet Cokes as I want as well as something sweet. Oh, how excited I am for tomorrow. It's been a long week. Never has Sunday seemed so glorious to me. I wish I could go to bed right now do so I could wake up to a nice cold diet coke. So, for those of you who are in my ward, if I seem extra happy tomorrow or have a bit more's because I've had a "few" before church...Oh happy day. The simple pleasures in life...

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