Saturday, July 12, 2008

Basher Quote

Scene: I put the kids to bed an hour ago. Ash comes to the top of the stairs for the 16th time.

Ash: Dad, I am afraid I am going to die in my bed.

Me: What?

Ash and Camille: We are afraid we are going to die in bed.

Me: Why?

Ash: Becasue I drownded at the pool today.

Me: Both of you go to bed.


Dee Lisonbee said...

kate, you can assure them that since Auntie Tammy and Uncle Matty both "drowned in the pool" and are still alive and well and doing fun things they will be OK - besides, they are tooooooo cute to die in their sleep

Michelle said...

That's an excuse I haven't heard yet...pretty creative.

Tamara said...

yeah, especially b/c Ash appeared entirely unphased by the whole "drowning" incident at the pool!