Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My favorite word...

Do you have a favorite word? Something you like to say that makes you feel really good? You know, a word that when it comes out of your mouth just really expresses how you feel? I do. It's HELL. It is a great word. It describes so many different situations and is appropriate at so many different times. Maybe it's because it's the word I lovingly used to describe the State of Utah when I no longer had to live there. (Sorry my lovely Utah friends...) Maybe it's because it's found in the scriptures. Maybe it's because my Mormon friends look at me kind of surprised when I feel like saying it. I don't know. What I do know is, I like the word. When I hear it on the radio or in a song or something, I feel down right giddy...I know. I have problems. But, at least now you know...I love to say the word HELL. In fact, even as I typed that, a smile came to my face...I rarely ever say it, but I sure do like the word.


The Queen said...

I knew I loved you for a reason. I am so glad they caught those j------s. May they rot in thievery HELL just like the guy who got into my account.

Tamara said...

Phew. At least I know I'm not alone in my joy in hearing that word nor the fact that it brings me brings me vicarious glee. I don't know why it makes me feel better to hear someone else have a vicarious Clark W. Griswold rant but it does. So I'm the devil... don't pretend like you didn't already know.

P.S. Michelle, I smiled as I read that word. :)

Courtney said...

You do have problems, but I'm right there with you. Not only is Hell my favorite word, but it is also included in my favorite phrase - "Hell if I know." I seriously love busting that out around BYU or ward activities and seeing the reaction some people give me. It's this little way I have of judging who is too prude to hang out with.

Robb said...

I don't know if you're a good influence for me! Such horrible language...What I really want to know is what Rick's favorite word is!

Katie L. said...

Yes, I have a few choice words I secretly enjoy. But they come back to me from little voices sounding much less funny. Like the one Camille busted out in sacrament meeting. Or your favorite, which Emma used while we were packing up to go to Arkansas.

Mandolin said...

I think it has something to do with your rebellious personality and when you're around those that find it offensive, it makes you happy to ruffle their feathers a little! You're a hoot! You hellian!!