Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Garbanzo's what's for breakfast...

My favorite breakfast is roasted garbanzo beans. I know, seriously weird. I'm always trying to get some protein in the morning and you might remember how much I like eggs...(remember the stuffing the egs in the pants pocket incident? or how about the throwing the egg on the floor under the chair and claiming to have eaten them...) I just roast them in the microwave with olive oil, lemon and some spice and they are cruchy, tasty bits of heaven. You should try it! Even my kids like them...


jennifer said...

ok. this sounds quick/easy and something logan may actually like, but if i ever get up the gumption to try this breakfast i'm going to need more detailed instructions. canned beans? in a bowl? on a paper towel? how long in the micro? how much olive oil?

and doesn't it taste like dinner food?

Tamara said...

i seriously love those babies. I love them with garlic salt or taco seasoning. Tastes great!!!

Dale said...

Fortunately Michelle, I am the only one old enough to remember the eggs on the floor incident. It happened in the house in Mar Vista. We were sitting on the side of the old white table between the table and the wall (which was like 2 inches clearance) and I was in total disbelief. My disbelief turned into the classic "Why in the world is she not in more trouble than that?" when your reprimand was less than I (will all my 4 or so year old wisdom) deemed appropriate.