Sunday, June 24, 2007

What happened to the Blog?

On behalf of every male that posts (regardless of how infrequent) we (come on guys I need your back up here) hereby boycott this blog until we get a background that is not completely emasculating! I am trying to get prepared to have a boy for goodness sake. I have a lot of playing Pretty Pretty Princess, dressing up, wearing clip on earings, necklaces, and hair clips, and pink & purple sparklies to get over. Can you help a brotha out? For all of you Office fans out there, the blog is officially "shunned."

no longer willing to sacrifice masculinity (I don't have much left!)


Courtney said...

Shun off. I might have argued with you on this one J, except that you quoted The Office. Now I am in full support of a unisex color scheme. Shun on.

Michelle said...

Okay people...I will change the background, but just so you know, YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF YOU BIG LOSERS!