Saturday, July 7, 2007


I'm a little embarrased to post after that last one, because my worries seem pretty stupid in comparison, but in an effort to keep updated I'll do it anyway. Just don't laugh, I know I'm ridiculous.

I hope today is really lucky because I have an amazing amount of stuff to accomplish. My kids start school on Monday so I need to sort through all their supplies to make sure I got everything, then I need to pack them up somehow so they can carry them to school. I have at least 4 loads of laundry that have to be done today, because I'm going to girls camp on Monday morning and I have to have clean stuff to pack and also to send with my kids who are splitting the time staying at my mom's house and then at a friend's house during the day. Justin will pick them up after work and drop them off bright and early. I need to type out a schedule so Justin, my mom, and my friend know where they will be all the time, and also make sure the school knows someone besides me will pick them up. I have to type out a medical release also, just in case. I'll be doing those as soon as I'm done with this. I need to check and make sure I don't have any bills that will be late when I get back, little ones like my mortgage.

Next, all three of my kids are in sad need of a bath. I'm pretty sure Camille has been swimming for a couple days in a row now with no shower whatsoever, and Ashley's hair smells.

And if all those little things weren't enough, I have to prepare two lessons for church tomorrow. One is for my usual sunday school class, I have the 12-13 course, the other for Relief Society which I am more than a little nervous about. I haven't taught adults since I got married! I think I'm being picked on at church--I just gave a talk in sacrament meeting two Sundays ago. It may have somthing to do with my attitude towards church lately, but we won't go there.

Oh, and p.s., I'm on my own, Justin has to study and he goes into the office to concentrate. So on top of all that picture me with three kids following me around bored and whining. Now that I have my check list typed out I'm going to get started. I have a yoga class on Saturday mornings and it will be the best part of my day!

1 comment:

The Queen said...

Yikes. Why would they make you teach two classes on Sunday? I would've said no. Good luck with everything.