Monday, July 16, 2007

Updates from CO

The big girls started school and they are loving it, especially Camille. She keeps telling everyone how she is a kindergartner now. Emma lost another (her fourth) tooth last night, we were at dinner with my mom and a family friend who popped it out for her. Justin and I were cringing and trying not to look, but she didn't seem too upset about it. She has an alarmingly loose front tooth that looks an awful lot like Nanny McPhee, and one other that is slightly wiggly.

We rearranged our bedrooms again, to get ready for junior but also because Ashley is a royal pain at bedtime. She will stay awake for hours yelling for me, or pestering and arguing with Camille. So we switched and put Camille by herself, soon to be joined by the baby in a port-a-crib. Emma now shares the Pepto room with Ashley, because she stays up a little later so I'm hoping a half hour by herself will be sufficient for Ash to fall asleep before Emma goes in there.

Justin is working himself to death working at least a 50 hour week at work, studying for the CPA, working on his business with Mary's husband Joe, and doing Scout stuff, with fatherhood squeezed in everywhere inbetween. He takes his next test in a couple weeks, just before everybody comes to visit. I'm hoping the time off studying and hanging out with you all will help revive him for the third exam.

And me, I'm just getting fatter by the day, and working really hard on it Grandma.

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