Monday, July 9, 2007

What do a Monkey and a Snake have in common? (Besides that they're cousins???) Monkey-Enzie and Jake the Snake are MAD CRAZY GOLF O MANIACS! well...kinda.

Moms, ask your little darlings about their golfing adventures. Adam took the kiddies to the putting green to let them show off their mad skills and it turns out that they are amazing golfers...who knew? Seriously though, thanks for letting us borrow your kids for a few days. I have sure missed them and it was SUCH a blessing to get to spend a little time with them so thanks for parting with them. We had all out sleepovers and ate pop corn with marshmallows and M&Ms and watched the rescuers down under...a lot. Final count was like 4 times in one weekend. Of course I wasn't counting or anything. And yes, Kristin, the sleepover was complete with me waking up to a crushing blow of knees to my kidney thanks to some unnamed child while she was sleeping. Meanwhile the kids played fabulously together and were positively angelic. Thanks Jake and Kenzie for coming to Texas. You're welcome back any time.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Awesome. The kids had a great time too. Don't worry I'm happy to loan you or GIVE you any or all of my children ANY TIME. So when you finally quite that crappy job of yours, give me a call and I'll send them over...