Thursday, July 12, 2007

You know you're in Texas when...

You're minding your own business, waltzing around the grounds of the Texas capital when all of the sudden you find yourself standing face to face with this ginormous monument to none other than the Confederate Soldiers. Pictured Below is Mr. Braun trying to wrap his mind around the inscription. Essentially, it says that them there darned Yankees were nothin but a big fat bunch of poser jerkface bullies who only won because they outnumbered them there Confederates. Yep. If those Union Fellas hadn't had like 10 times the soldiers, those good ol' boys woulda done beaten them Yankees silly. Yeehaw...And now to your Pop Quiz: Which is bigger? The White House or the Texas State Capital? I'll give you a hint. Everything is bigger here. No seriously, 14 feet bigger. And they go ahead and fly the Texas flag at the same height as the US flag...just for good measure. Giddyup.
Meanwhile, here's Adam and I proving to all you folks north of the Mason Dixon line that Texas is NOT a desert wasteland. These photos are all from a recruiting trip to Austin (for V&E). We took a bike ride around lovely Lake Austin...which we're pretty sure is a river. But that's neither here nor there. We were just blissfully excited to be outside, in a beautiful wooded area and riding around a really pretty, peaceful, placid body of water. Why wouldn't we be? And that, folks, is the update from the Great State. Ya'll come back now, ya hear?


Michelle said...

Love your post...and what are those things you're standing by? Bikes? I didn't know you were the outdoorsie type...Boy do I miss Texas. That place has some serious character.

Tamara said...

Yes Ma'am. Bikes. It was awesome. Still looking for those Texas sized ice cream cones...Pretty sure those are a myth.

The Queen said...

That is so funny. It's so pretty there!

Tamara said...

Why does your blog link not work? I miss that blog!