Monday, May 19, 2008

FHE/Blessing on the dinner

So, this evening, we were sitting down to dinner. I asked who wanted to give the blessing. Malia always wants to. Tonight, it went something like this...Heavenly Father, thank you for this food, thank you that Carter's not pushing me any more, thank you that Carter's not being mean any more, thank you that iCarly's not over yet, thank you that I can watch it with my blanket, Amen.

Then, for family home evening, I asked who wanted to pick the song. Malia wanted to go first...she picked...Spongebob. You bet. We sant, "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants. Something and yellow and porous is he. Spongebob Square Pants....spongebob square pants, spongebob square pants, spongebob square pants! Then, for an even lovelier song, we sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (as requested by Carter). They got so into it that Bella was dancing and twirling around. Carter didn't like it so he gave her a big shove, landing right on her kiester. Oh, isn't family home evening just the most wonderful, bonding experience...hope yours was equally memorable.


Tamara said...

Duh Michelle. Spongebob is absorbant, yellow and pourous. Get with it, already!!!

Our FHE song of choice is "do as I'm doing." I am with Carter though. If Adam starts twirling around during the opening song, well, I give him a good solid shove too. Solidarity, brother.

And long live FHE!

j-liz said...

I love your kids. I am sure Spongebob invites the Spirit to FHE, right? When are you coming to Dallas again? I can't wait.

Dale said...

Ours usually consist of sitting around the table at dinner time. Trying to do it if they are not sitting down is a joke. This week it was accentuated by serenades of Brittany burping and Brandon stepping on some frogs. Happy times.

Katie L. said...

I love Spongebob. I know some might think I'm crazy, but a few zillion princess movies will do that to you!