Thursday, May 15, 2008

Yes folks...summer has arrived in Fresno

So, today we broke 100 degrees in the lovely Clovis area. It was CRAZY HOT. Lucky for me, I have two good friends with swimming pools. I took the kids swimming at one house yesterday and the other one today. My walking partner, who lives around the corner, also has a pool so we'll hit them up this weekend. And I got rid of my fabulous farmer tan in two days. Gotta love that. And, the boys got their report cards today. Jake (no surprise) and CARTER, yes, that's right, Carter, both have straight A's. Can you believe that? He had such trouble at the beginning of the year and he's doing so well now. I am so proud of him. And, we got hooked up at the kids' school. There are five couples that we go out with a couple times a month and one of the men was made the principal of the kids' school. That means...I have a serious in. I watched him in action at a PTC meeting and then again with a parking lot issue today and I was highly impressed. He rocks! This next school year is going to be sweet.

Okay, now for one "Maliaism." Malia likes to wear Bella's clothes...she'll frequently change her clothes after I put her to bed and when she walks out in the morning, she'll be wearing something of Bellas that doesn't match and is way too big. So, a couple nights ago when she was getting her pajamas on, she put one of bella's nightgowns on. Bella wanted to wear it, so I told her to take it off. She turned around and looked at me, put her hands on her hips, and said, "Too bad, I'm wearing it," and proceded to stomp right past me out of the room. Follks, she's two. This isn't looking good...she's going to be an awesome teenager. Happy summer everybody. Can't wait to see some of you guys at the wedding! I'll be the tan one.


Carrie L said...

Yup, it was 103 yesterday. Supposed to be hotter today. Luckily we were at Nana's and sat in the pool--it was lovely. Oh, and at the wedding, I'll be the melting one!

OlsenFam said...

100's here the past few days here. We hit the pool this afternoon...I miss you!

Courtney said...

Michelle, I hae three words for you...die, die, and DIE! I used to be "the tan one" but this summer I'm going to school full time and working full time and have slightly less than zero time to attend the daily Belmont pool parties hosted by the kids lving in my complex that have no jobs and no school. Did I mention DIE?

Tamara said...

Um wow. 103 degrees? That's super. I'll look forward to that. And at the wedding, I'll be the obese one. I'm not even sure the plan will be able to take off with me on it! :)

Katie L. said...

I wish we could come. I'm feeling pretty bitter right now that I have so many hook ups in CO that could take my kids and none here. Sorry Kristin, we'll be the ones who aren't there!