Monday, May 12, 2008

Only a day late, but far more than a dollar short...

I know this is a day late but yesterday I randomly got called up out of the congregation to speak on mothers. Now, while this is not an experience I would recommend, it was amazing how many hilarious, sometimes really tender, off the wall and just genuinely warm memories of our mom came flooding to my mind as I made the long walk up to the podium.

That afternoon, I came home and looked at this picture* and thought how vast our numbers look. Think about it. This woman raised 9 hooligans, is in the process of helping to raise the next generation of Lazerbeams, and has managed to remain (at least marginally) sane!

I don't know of a more generous person. She'd literally give the shirt off her back if she thought you wanted it. Every last time I visit Cali and go to church with her, it seems like several people stop her for medical, parenting, cooking or just general life advice and she doles it out freely and without the slightest hint of pretense or arrogance. She knows everything about everything...literally!

So, since mom had to share Mother's Day with all the other mothers in the world, I think one more day of telling her how awesome she is wouldn't hurt. So um... GO MOM and stuff...

*Author's thanks to Justin for providing the picture.


Katie L. said...

Dee, I didn't call and I feel bad. I also got a card, then stashed it somewhere and forgot about it until it was too late to send. I just wanted to say that lots of people have a great mom, but not many get a great mother-in-law and I did! I've been thankful many times while listening to my friends complain about their awful mother-in-laws, and I just smile and feel bad for them.
Thanks for being so loving and thoughtful, even to a girl who married your son and dragged him halfway across the country. Happy Late Mother's Day!

Michelle said...

I missed being with Mom on Mother's Day. I have been lucky enough to spend it with her for the last several years. So, happy belated mother's day and thanks for all you do for us...Life is just a lot happier place when you're around...

Matty said...

I am pretty sure we have the most amazing mom in the world. I saw this post just after Tammy posted it and I waited to post so that I could think about what I could say. When it comes down to it, I think all I could say is thanks. No mom has ever loved her children so much or has ever sacrificed and given so much for her children. What is there not to admire and love and respect about our mom. I guess it would be safe to say that Dad did well in choosing a wonderful wife and mother for his children. We love you Mom.

Courtney said...

Being in the Marriage, Family, and Human Development major has forced me to disect our family in depth and judge it for what its worth. If there is one thing that this process has taught me, its that Mom cannot be human. It would be impossible for a woman coming from a flawless home environment to accomplish what she has, let alone a woman who had a less than perfect example of how a family should function.

They said in our ward on Sunday that if you want to know what your girlfriend or fiance will be like as a wife or mother that you should look at her mom. I disagree...I'll be lucky if I am half the woman she is.

More over, I love how we're not the only ones to brag about how amazing she is. My friends constantly tell me how wonderful mom is and heaven only knows I hear it from the ward members.