Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's a beautiful day in our neighborhood...

Is anybody else still in shock? Outside sources confirm that the Bruins actually did win. I don't think that I have ever seen such a contrast between a first half and a second half. Pretty fun to watch.



Courtney said...

The 4th quarter was AMAZING. I was watching it with Aaron at Costa Vida, cheering and screeming during various parts. Let me remind you that I'm in Utah...where NO ONE cares... We (meaning I) definitely had some dirty looks shot my way but it was all worth it when WE WON!!!

Tamara said...

Oh man. I watched the highlights on Sportcenter like 4 times. It never gets old. The only thing better than that ending was calling dad and hearing him and Mark celebrate afterwards.

By the way, Elizabeth was wearing her blue and yellow for the occasion and she was awake all the way to the end. Yeah!

Unknown said...

Each half could be summed up in celebrity jeopardy lines.

First half - "And we've reached a new low."

Second half - "Well Mr. Connery, Despite your best efforts, technically that is a right answer, so you win."

Wow, truly O-mazing. Who is this guy Craft? If he does that to me again, I think I am going to have to get some oxygen tanks up here.

Michelle said...

I can't remember having so much fun watching a game. I say goodbye to Karl Dorell's BORING offense. To all those who didn't believe....BOOYAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Jeremy said...

Hopefully you can remember that good feeling Michelle on the 27th of this month. Sometimes we have to focus on the good times to help us get over the bad times- like when the bulldogs clean up on the teddy bears- just like the last time we played em.

Michelle said...

Oh Jeremy...you sadly mistaken soul. I get it that you are completely a Bulldog through and through...but I'm afraid that delusion is clouding your judgment and your reality. Make no mistake about it. The Bruins will be victorious and Rick will be there to celebrate with ALL THE OTHER BRUIN FANS...

Katie L. said...

You should have seen Justin running around the house when they scored that touchdown in the fourth quarter, you'd think he had just won the world cup. It was great. We were all picturing Mark chest bumping Carrie and the front door--ahhh. Good times.