Thursday, May 31, 2007
Check this out!
Like mother, like daughter?
Monday, May 28, 2007
On the countdown...
The big day is June 13th, 8:3o am mountain standard time. In case you can't tell I'm pretty excited, because that is only two weeks and two days away. I'll be making announcements as soon as I get out of the doctor's office and can use my cell phone again, unless I'm in my bed refusing to come out--then I'll get around to it when I can.
I had my sister take a picture of my belly for you all, and it's still on her camera so you'll just have to picture it in your minds.
Guess who had a birthday?
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Living the Dream - Courtney Style
Hey I just have a couple more pictures I thought you all would appreciate. The first is of The Snorkel Squad (aka me and Tara). At sunset today I experienced snorkeling for the first time and my instructor (Tara) told me I was a natural. It meant a lot coming from her, being a professional and all. The second is of me waiting at the bus stop before we left to go home. We had been waiting for about 10 minutes at that point and had already been the receivers of what I feel to be a record number of cat calls. As flattered as I was, I decided it was time to try out this brilliant scheme I devised of stuffing my towel under my dress to make me look prego so maybe the pervs would back off a little. Unfortunately that plan backfired big time when the hollering not only continued but increased.
I snorkel and I fake pregnant, it's no wonder the boys flock to me like kids to candy. Not the normal ones, they run from me like I'm a burning building. The dirty cholo-like Hawaiians driving down Kam Highway hollering at me out their windows, however, know whats up and seem to fancy me quite a bit.
Our Monkey
Anyway, last night when we got home, I was helping the boys brush their teeth when Bella came running inside telling me to hurry and come outside. By the tone of her voice, I could tell it was urgent...and I walked out to see Malia sitting on top of our block wall. SHE'S NOT EVEN TWO YET. She must've seen the other kids sitting on top of the block wall doing what I explained above and decided she could do it too. She had heard Nana and Papa and Mackenzie's voices and climbed up the wall to investigate. We had gone on a walk and Nana and Papa were returning home through our neighborhood. She was happy as a clam yelling, "Hi Papa, hi nana, hi Mackenzie..." I ran to get my camera and had the kids watch her so she didn't fall. In this picture, it looks like the kids helped her climb up there, but really, it was ALL HER!
Monday, May 14, 2007
What are you looking at?
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Vroom Vroom

Thanks Easter Bunny, Bawk Bawk!

Friday, May 11, 2007
Hap Hap Happy Mothers Day

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Carter's First REAL Date
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Folks, Merry Christmas!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Howdy Howdy
I know that Mark's boards must be coming up soon. I thought it might be nice if those of us who are capable of fasting might include Mark in our fast this Sundee. And for those who can't might include him in their prayers. I don't want them to feel weird about it or anything but I don't think they check the blog. I just think this is a good cause for a family fast and I for one would love to hear Marky Karky knocked that bad boy out of the park. Heaven knows they all deserve it. Anywho...that's all she wrote. She, of course, being me. Am I still typing?
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
I'm pretty sure it can't get any worse
So I just wanted to let the rest of my crazy family know just how great my life has been this past week...and it's only Wednesday! So to start off, last weekend I get a notice home from Mackenzie's school telling me the results for her GATE testing will be available in August. Great! I hope she gets into the program. Then Mackenzie proceeds to tell me that she didn't take the test. Why not?? I emailed her teacher to find out why she wasn't tested. Her teacher responds that forms were sent home a while ago and since I never signed them she wasn't tested. But she'll have another chance to test in 4th grade. What forms?? I never saw any. So I called the vice principal and the principal of her school because I want her tested. I don't want her to have to wait a whole year and miss out on a great opportunity if she qualifies for the program. And maybe she won't, but I at least want her to be able to take the test! They told me the same thing--but of course they had to point out that I'm the only third grade parent that didn't see the letter. Up yours! So since my brilliant older sister taught me that I don't have to take no for an answer I called the district supervisor. He gave me the same answer--I have to wait til next year or I can find a child psychologist that can administer the test to her and then turn the results in to the school and they will consider it. But of course he says he cant refer me to anyone that might even have that test.
I had 3 midterms this week. 2 on Monday and one on Wednesday. I completely bombed the second midterm. After I get home from school Monday I had to go pick up Mackenzie and my car decided that it didn't want to start...maybe because it has 105,000 miles on it. So it went in to the shop on Tuesday...$900 later it's running fine! Then the management company who handles my condo calls and lets me know my tenants are ducking out on their lease 2 months early and have no intention of paying the rent this month or next month. So not only am I short 2 months rent, I have to pay them $800 + to list my house again to get my condo rented...Good Times! So now I just want to ask... Is it over yet?
Your Nearly Negro Sister