Friday, May 4, 2007

Howdy Howdy

Hey guys,
I know that Mark's boards must be coming up soon. I thought it might be nice if those of us who are capable of fasting might include Mark in our fast this Sundee. And for those who can't might include him in their prayers. I don't want them to feel weird about it or anything but I don't think they check the blog. I just think this is a good cause for a family fast and I for one would love to hear Marky Karky knocked that bad boy out of the park. Heaven knows they all deserve it. Anywho...that's all she wrote. She, of course, being me. Am I still typing?


Michelle said...

I'm in Tamster. As we are all aware, Marky Mark has a firm knowledge base, it's just a matter of PLAYING THEIR STUPID TESTING GAME. So, count me in.

Carrie L said...

Thanks you guys! Hopefully soon, this will all be a bad dream!