Friday, May 4, 2007


I have great news people, it is Friday and I am still alive. Is anyone besides me impressed? Because I really am. I have one more night of this and then the extra kids leave tomorrow afternoon, and then I'm going to see Spiderman 3. I'll still be stuck with my own kids, but at least I can yell at them, right?

Honestly, it has not been bad at all. The boys are 9, 7, and 6, and they are big enough to do lots for themselves and be helpful, and they don't know me well enough to be naughty. Mostly they have all been outside riding scooters and trikes the entire time, the weather has been beautiful. In fact they are having such a great time together that the boys didn't want to go to their grandpa's house this afternoon.

The best part is that Emma is back in school Monday morning (and yes, I double checked for any of you who are familiar with my past back-to-school fiasco). Less people to monitor and entertain is always a bonus.

Since this is a family blog I would like to invite any and all who would like to come visit us this summer. Michellums and her kids are coming in August, and you are all welcome then or in November when my SON is here and we bless HIM. The weather should be great than too, so I think we'll get by without any hypothermia issues and we have lots of fun places we would love to show you all! Please R.S.V.P. so I can arrange for beds and showers. (I do have plenty of towels.)


Courtney said...

Wait a second...was that "when my SON is here and we bless HIM" hopefull thinking or was that the GOOD NEWS!!! you titled your blog after? I want to get REALLY excited right now but I don't want it to be prematurely if that wasn't a hint.

kristin said...

I really hope your kid is a boy...for your sake and for Justin's. Actually I might be able to make it in August which would be great. I think my finals are the first week of August then I get 7 weeks off I think. Can't wait. So hopefully I'll be seeing you and your kid then...

Matt and/or Lisa said...

Yeah - and when is this SON coming? I thought it was about the same time as ours, but I'm guessing it might be a little earlier since you're allowing November visitors. I might still be waiting for arrival in November...oh, and do we have an ultrasound yet? When's that - or is Courtney right - that's an official announcement....oh gosh - so much confusion!!

Katie L. said...

No, I don't have any official news yet, still just positive thoughts. Believe me, when I know, you'll know.

And jr. won't be around until October 26, that is my official due date. Actually, I'm thinking I'll induce at 38 weeks which will be October 12--my ob is very accomodating so it should be close to that.

Michelle said...

Wow, that would be fun, one big hap hap, happy family of lisonbeakers all in Colorado. Now that would be something!

Matt and/or Lisa said...

Wow. I'm due on the 27th of October - what are the chances of that...I don't expect anything to happen until November.