Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thanks Easter Bunny, Bawk Bawk!

Yes, I know this is a bit late but I thought you folks should see how we in the Big D celebrated Easter. This is us with our most fabulous activity of frosting easter themed sugar cookies. We were having a blast till we realized we had no idea where the two fatties were. Adam found them first and fortunately siezed the photo op of the girls having a grass fight with the grass from their easter baskets. They were giggling and tossing and having a great time. I'm not even sure they knew there was candy in their baskets.

Meanwhile, is it me or does Brando look 16? He's so tall too!


Dee Lisonbee said...

They are sooooocute - it is hard to
miss those adorable moments but thanks for sharing them via pictures. You guys are the best shutter bugs.

j-liz said...

You just have to love those moments of sibling affection. The other day I found Emma and Camille playing prisoner with Ashley. Her hands and feet were bound and they were just about to leave her alone in her room. That wouldn't have taken long to turn into disaster.