Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Your Nearly Negro Sister

Aloha family! After two months of anxious anticipation, Tara and I have finally arrived here in Hawaii. Our house is ... lets just say we nicknamed it "The Crap Shack". The front room includes the living room, dinning room and supposedly a kitchen although I'm still looking for it. It shouldn't be too hard to find considering the room is the size of mom and dad's closet. Our bedroom, on the other hand, is very spacious. The only problem is there are four of us in it! That's right folks, I'm sleeping in a bunk bed...strait up girls camp over here. Don't get me wrong, I'm freaking living in hawaii. You could cram another bunk bed into this place for all I care. We are two blocks from campus, two blocks from the store, and two blocks from the beach, so really the location couldn't be better. I'm taking statistics which is probably going to kick my ghetto booty. The hardest part as of now is that my classes online aren't even over for another two weeks so I am balancing two semesters at once :/ Anyway, you're probably wondering about the picture above. We were at the beach today and this crazy Jamacan dude with dreads and a helmet walks by and me, the little asian tourist, had to get a picture of him. Oh ya, and you might want to take look at the beach he is standing out...could my life get any better? If you want to see pictures to get a more in depth look at this fortunate life of mine let me know and I'll e-mail them to you. The one's of my house are pretty great, I'm not going to lie.
Love you all, wish you were here :)
PS The heading for this blog is a total lie. I'm way closer to a lobster than I am a negro, all in good time though...


Katie L. said...

All I have to say is I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.

I am getting fatter by the day, am stuck back in my life until who knows when, and I am taking care of my cousin's 3 sons for the weekend. There are so many kids here that I get dizzy just thinking about it, or it could be I stood up to go clean yet another something.

Please, can I have that extra bunk bed you will be cramming into the crap shack?

Michelle said...

I second that...thank you Catherine.

Courtney said...

Apparenly you all would better appreciate stories about the cockroaches and the other unpleasant aspects of life. If it makes you guys feel better, in ten or fifteen years I'm going to be single, have skin like leather, and probably still be in school so I will have plenty of horror stories to contribute.

Until then, you are all welcome to come stay with me. You have your choice of the futon conveniently located in the kitchen or with me on my spacious twin sized mattress bottom bunk.