Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Living the Dream - Courtney Style

Hey I just have a couple more pictures I thought you all would appreciate. The first is of The Snorkel Squad (aka me and Tara). At sunset today I experienced snorkeling for the first time and my instructor (Tara) told me I was a natural. It meant a lot coming from her, being a professional and all. The second is of me waiting at the bus stop before we left to go home. We had been waiting for about 10 minutes at that point and had already been the receivers of what I feel to be a record number of cat calls. As flattered as I was, I decided it was time to try out this brilliant scheme I devised of stuffing my towel under my dress to make me look prego so maybe the pervs would back off a little. Unfortunately that plan backfired big time when the hollering not only continued but increased.

I snorkel and I fake pregnant, it's no wonder the boys flock to me like kids to candy. Not the normal ones, they run from me like I'm a burning building. The dirty cholo-like Hawaiians driving down Kam Highway hollering at me out their windows, however, know whats up and seem to fancy me quite a bit.


The Queen said...

Well what do you expect? You are one hot mama after all!!!

Michelle said...

Can I just say I wish I looked like that when I was pregnant...the bottom picture, that is. And, have you seen yourself in the top picture. WHAT IS WRONG WITH BOYS? You look fabulous. What's not to love?

Tamara said...

I know I have a crush on you. Wait...is this recording? Seriously, you dirty hussie tramp. You would look like a supermodel in your kibini. That's just like you.

Katie L. said...


Do you have to post pics like that when I'm getting fatter by the day? don't you see the cruelty? The worst part is I never even looked like that before I had kids! Thank you Catherine.