Monday, June 11, 2007

Are we having fun yet?

We went camping this weekend with some families in our ward. We had such a blast. I hope we'll go again soon. The kids were really good, the site was close, it was perfect. But in case you doubt we are still Griswolds, we did break a tent stake and were lucky to get our tent up. I made sure to buy a nice fat air mattress to sleep on--I even got the one with the pump included, and then forgot to charge it! Smart, huh?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

The answer is no, we're not having fun yet. I can't use the internet except for in the evenings when I go to the library because if I go during the day, Malia screams if she can't sit on my lap and pound on the computer which, I've learned, is frowned upon by the librarians...