Friday, August 22, 2008

Ode to summer...and the happy dance

Oh I love the lazy days and sunshine, sleeping in, lack of responsibility, freedom, family time, bonding... Wait...I'm dreaming again. Let's back up to what an Edwardson summer really is...being woken up at the crack of dawn by one of the four children who "needs" cartoons turned on or is "starving"; surviving the 100 plus degree days by taking advantage of kind invitations to swim; listening to the children fight over who's turn it is to play in the Wii; Malia watching "Mickey's christmas" several times a day and asking when our Christmas is or Malia watching Barbie Nutcracker and prancing around all day in a prom dress insisting her name is Clara; Bella doing her latest version of a song she has made up which consists of repeating one line over and over again at different octives; cleaning the house only to walk outside, come back in and find it completely destroyed; neglecting any deep cleaning because attempting such would be futile and certainly more trouble than it's worth; hearing one of the boys say "I'm bored," for the tenth time in five minutes since their friends have gone home; listening to the complaints of the kiddies when asked to read for their daily 20 minutes; resorting to bribery in the form of CANDY so the kids will do their math facts; and not being able to steop foot outside because out neighbor's wasp nests has overtaken our front and backyards from the hours of 11 to about 5 every day.

Yes, I love summer. It is fabulous...because it comes to an end. And end it has!!!!! Monday, the kiddies return to school and this year, three out of four of the kiddies will be off to school. They're excited about their teachers and their friends who are in their classes. They don't even mind getting up early...because "early" is no different than their normal wake-up time. They're excited that Bella gets to ride the bus with them and that the bus stop is now only a couple doors down. Yes, things are definitely looking up around here. If anyone would like something to video, come to Reagan Elementary School at 8:30 when the bell rings and I kiss my darlings goodbye, because I will be doing the "happy dance." And folks, it will be something to behold.


Dionne said...

Sounds like my house, except instead of teaching them math facts I taught them to turn on the tv and vcr themselves and pour themselves a bowl of cereal. Try that next summer! Now if I can only get some tips on how to make them eat the cereal faster so I can get them out the door to school on time. Would love to see your "happy" dance also.

Katie L. said...

Man I miss you. Where are the days when we could send them off and celebrate together? Or at least get them together to entertain each other while neither of us cleans our houses... sigh. I better get some more opportunities to do this stuff again someday. Feel like moving? At least now you'd like my weather!

Mandolin said...

Amen! I hear you and agree 100% There is definitely something to be said for variety and I am just as happy to see summer go as I was to have it arrive. Oh, by the way, I was just wondering did you name Bella after me?