So, this was the first full week of school for us. IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE FABULOUS. I am not afraid to let it be known that I think public school is the most fabulous thing ever. Also, Malia got to start her little co-op preschool. She was so excited. Allow me to point out a couple things in the picture...her shoes are Bella's. They're way too big, but they have high heels like she wanted for the first day of school. Also, she has her blankie stuffed in her backpack along with some pistaccios which she insisted she needed for school. When we got to her teacher's house, she did not want me to walk her to the door. Since I don't know this lady too well, I decided to follow Malia to the door anyway. She was not happy about it. She definitely didn't want me to come I didn't! I went home and cleaned my house for 3 hours in absolute peace and quiet. It was so quiet that I turned on the radio to add some noise!
Yesterday, Abe found a new home. The boys didn't want to take care of him any more so we sold him to somebody who is so excited to have him. It was kind of sad to see him go, but the boys quickly got over it when the lady handed them $180. Since it was their present, they got to keep the money. They are currently scheming on what to spend it on.
And, last, but not least...ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL??????? Monday is the UCLA game and we are PUMPED. We got our fill this weekend, although we were disappointed we didn't get to watch BYU play. It wasn't televised. Our friends are avid Fresno State fans and they have a game tomorrow as well. Should be a fabulous day!
So sad to see Beardie go...I was hoping to babysit for you again!!!
Dang, I wish I had a lizard like that to sell. Cha Ching! That is a lot of money for some boys that age. I can only imagine all of the great ideas they are coming up with. Like 5000 lbs. of candy, new video games, movies, board games, sports stuff, the possibilities are endless, really.
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