Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Carter!

Yesterday was Carter's birthday...but somehow after hosting a Wii party, doing some billing for Elise, and packing to go to Valencia, I didn't get a post up. Carter had a great day. He got a couple of wii games from grandparents and then had the ultimate in Carter all "wii" parter complete with two wii systems and 8 controllers. What could be better? I'll tell you what...chips on the table and nachoes for lunch. It was literally Carter heaven. Carter and his friends played wii tournaments and tried out some new games. My favorite was one that Jacob and Sammy had brought from was a bike race. You got to pick what you looked like and what your bike looked like. Jake's character was dressed up as a chicken and Logan was riding a girl's bike. The best part about it was that every time they crashed, the characters went head first with flailing limbs into walls, lakes, columns, brick walls, etc. It was hillarious. Then they had some contests to see who could have the best style falling off these bikes. Seriously funny stuff. Carter's cake was a four layer wii controller. He had a great day!

Carter is such a great kid. True, he makes me absolutely crazy sometimes, but what other kid gives me entertainment like he does? A while ago when he was sitting on my lap one day, I asked him if he would still sit on my lap when he's in high school and he said, "yes." I get so much entertainment out of watching him compete in sports. He's not as coordinated or naturally talented as Jake is, but the kid has some serious guts and determination. The look on his face when he's about to tackle somebody (on a flag football team, no less) is absolutely priceless. I went to his basketball practice this week and he has that same determination when he competes in games and drills there. He has improved in school so much this year. He is a much more confident student and he has learned that he is great at math. Who knew! Perhaps my memory of Carter's past year will be his Nanny McPhee teeth. Those babies were classic. His teacher told him one day not to come back to school until that tooth had fallen out because it was grossing her out. And it was nasty. But it was only a precursor for his worst tooth...the one next to his big teeth in front. His big teeth were coming in and they were pushing the baby tooth out perpendicular to his other teeth. It literally stuck out his lip when his mouth was closed. Thankfully, Carter was being his usual crazy self one day and knocked it on the bottom of the pool and it came out. He was very concerned it was going to clog the drain so he went down looking for it, but never found it. I was so relieved to see that horrible thing OUT. And, best of all, my kids aren't too into the tooth fairy so the tooth fairy didn't even lose any money on that one!

So, happy birthday Carter! You make our lives exciting...


j-liz said...

There has always been a little something about Carter to love. I still think about the full lay out of the Elmo chairs when he would start in the living room of Nana and Papas house and then at full speed come tearing in the family room to drill Elmo head on.
I also love that in a moment he turns from destruction derby into lines like "Papa, I love you."
I miss your kids.

Tamara said...

Probably my favorite memory is when I was crying my eyes out saying goodbye to your kids before I left to go back to BYU. I said "Carter, come give me a hug before I go." Carter, who was busy at the table, didn't even look up when he shouted "Never!!!!!!!!" Ah, I heart Lenny.

Mandolin said...

I know this is a dumb question, but how old is he now? I'd love to see a pic, but I'll keep searching on the blog to see if I can find one. I'd especially love to see the perpendicular tooth. How interesting!

Courtney said...

Oh tarter sauce...

All I have to say is, "Everybody Mambo!" That kid is full of so many one liners, I almost feel like he's hogging them.