Happy birthday to the Dale! We're sorry you were out of town so we didn't get to celebrate Texas style. Of course, I happen to remember a certain birthday boy who jumped, fully clothed (including black dress socks), into the pool and he brought his lawn chair in with him, so I imagine you guys will manage to entertain yourselves out there.
Since I'm the designated sap of the family so I might as well live up to it. Dale is the greatest big brother. Growing up, he always took his responsibility as the oldest very seriously. I always loved talking to him because he was so patient, non-judgemental and sage beyond his years with his advice. I've leaned on him for countless things for all my life from tips about boys to career pointers to a place to crash when I was interning to a fantastic recipe for chocolate chip cookies. There is not a person on earth who tries harder to do the right thing. He's the epitome of honor, integrity, decency and chivalry. And his downright hilarious when he wants to be.
So Dale, I have these few things to say to you. Can you owl it? Tink tink and "it's already breaded." We love you. Party like a rock star.