Wednesday, November 5, 2008

No more Obama

I am in some kind of mood and I can't stand looking at Obama with sun rays coming out of his head so I'm posting this picture instead because I'd rather look at this than Obama...I know, he'll be a fine president, blah blah blah, I just don't want to see or hear from him til January. Then we'll get to see him for the next 8 years...


Robb said...

Amen! I am sick of the pics, too! I love the pig shot. Now the question is...Is that pig in a California-approved cage? He has civil rights, you know.

The Queen said...

wait. what? 8 years??? c'mon, michelle! mitt in 2012!! have faith woman!!

Katie L. said...

I thought the sun burst were a little over the top. I know there are people who think he is a superhero, but for the rest of us it's too much.