Friday, November 28, 2008

Somewhere Out There...Nanaboat, Nanaboat

Happy birthday to the Dale! We're sorry you were out of town so we didn't get to celebrate Texas style. Of course, I happen to remember a certain birthday boy who jumped, fully clothed (including black dress socks), into the pool and he brought his lawn chair in with him, so I imagine you guys will manage to entertain yourselves out there.

Since I'm the designated sap of the family so I might as well live up to it. Dale is the greatest big brother. Growing up, he always took his responsibility as the oldest very seriously. I always loved talking to him because he was so patient, non-judgemental and sage beyond his years with his advice. I've leaned on him for countless things for all my life from tips about boys to career pointers to a place to crash when I was interning to a fantastic recipe for chocolate chip cookies. There is not a person on earth who tries harder to do the right thing. He's the epitome of honor, integrity, decency and chivalry. And his downright hilarious when he wants to be.

So Dale, I have these few things to say to you. Can you owl it? Tink tink and "it's already breaded." We love you. Party like a rock star.


Courtney said...

From the youngest to the oldest. HBD. Besides your frequent attempts to give me a wet willy, your refusal to cuddle with me, and your belching, you're great. Kristin told me it was your congratulations on surviving your 4th decade ;)

Matty said...

Happeeee birthdeeeee Dale. I hope Texa$ (yes that is with a dollar sign) is treating you well. I think you are one year closer to the age where experience makes up for stamina...if you know what I mean. And pink really is not that bad of a color. I get told Sarah is the cutest little boy all the time by complete strangers even when she is wearing hot pink pants and a white shirt with pink stripes on it. See, its perfectly fine for boys to wear pink.

Dee Lisonbee said...

We all know what a sap I am but just so you arent disappointed - it was WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL to be able to actually share your birthday with you this year - face to face and all that- seriously, thanks for spending thanksgiving with us - it made us even more thankful for you
You are amazing and I so appreciate the opportunity to talk with you and learn from you, you are wise beyond your years but it is still fun to see you play and laugh with your siblings - your great.....

j-liz said...

Some of my favorite memories of Dale are very recent. If you haven't seen Dale twirling drumsticks while playing drums on Rock Band or going full on falsetta while rocking the vocals on Roxanne, you haven't lived.
But back to Tammy's point of a great big brother...I'll never forget Dale wanting a piece of the dude that was chasing me in his car when I was 14. I may or may not have spit on the guys windshield from the overpass but nevertheless, Dale didn't have that info and all he knew is that someone was messing with his "innocent" little bro.
Thanks for the memories, here's to many more!

Kristin said...

AAAh Dale, where do I start. Maybe I should start with the acid burp in the New York Seltzer... or the pep talk at the dentist office that caused me to vomit right there on the floor. Good Times! I do miss hearing your school stories from Mrs Portnoy's class-- something about the Donga?? But more than all that, I'm grateful for the bond we do share and the way that we are connected in some inexplicable way. Thanks for always looking out for me-- just like a big brother should. And thanks for burping more than I do!!

Dale said...

Wow, where do I start? Courtney, you are fired until you get your math right. 21 (you) + 15 (how much older than you I am) = 36 (my age). The refusal to cuddle - Exhibit A for the reason is getting worked over in wrestling by my little sister. Wait, she called it cuddling. Matty, thanks for bringing up the trauma of that hot pink tank top you gave me - WHEN I WAS 21!!! Oh to be that "old" again. Mom, thanks SO MUCH for the trip down there. That was so much fun and so relaxing, despite the work. Justin, I still can't believe that. I would have felt bad that I had worked his can. Kristin, I'll burp for you anytime. You can all thank - ironically, Mom - for that. We had an interview one time where they asked if I could burp on cue. I think I said yes, even though I couldn't. I think I later practice till I could. Practice makes perfect!

Dale said...

OK, now on to Tammy. (I figured out how to show the original post as I am writing).

Really... Nanaboat??? Oh and that little pool episode. I would love to have watched that. That was definitely one of my better moments. Owling it? No, I can't. But Brittany probably still can. I just had some already breaded, but I forewent the other bread. (I'm trying to keep my figure.)