Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Don't tell mama the country voted for Obama...

Because I probably stay up the latest (aside from Tamms who also doesn't sleep but is probably preoccupied with that time suck of a baby she calls Ellie) I get the privilege of introducing to the blog the newly elected President of the United States. Lets hear it for Obama! Or not...

My roommates are really opinionated when it comes to politics and especially Obama, and I really enjoy it. We got into a discussion following the announcement of his victory and some interesting topics were brought up. One roommate, her sister, and her sister's roommate are convinced we are starting the second coming. I personally took a more skeptical approach to those rumors that have been floating around, remembering all the chaos associated with Y2K. My other roommate is convinced that if there was a limit for the minimum IQ a person must have to vote that McCain would be in office instead. I thought that was a bit ridiculous except, as you will see in the following YouTube video, some people really are confused as to what they're being promised.


I've spent the last few hours researching Obama's platform (yes I realize I should have started this research prior to his election, but better late than never, right?) Anyway, some things were concerning but not hardly as shocking as I had perceived them to be from the descriptions of others (death penalty, immigration, and even health care), other things were more bothersome (abortion, gay marriages, TAXES). Anyway, as of now I stand disappointed with the election results but not entirely hopeless about our country's future. I'm glad we live in a democracy and Obama is our president as apposed to our King.

What are your thoughts? You all probably have a much more thorough understanding of the whole situation and I'd love to hear your perspectives...enlighten me!

PS I loved McCain's concession speech, he did it with as much grace and dignity as a person could in that circumstance.


Dee Lisonbee said...

Well, I too was disappointed with the results but not dramatically so because I really didnt feel like there was a "great" choice. I listened to the concession speech and thought he handled it very graciously, I also listened to the acceptance speech and was very impressed with the humility and wonder I felt as he spoke. I didnt see the arrogance which I rather expected instead I saw a man who truly plans on doing his best - whatever that may be - to unite our country and take steps to lead it in a path which he feels will restore all that is good in America. I say we pull in behind him and pray constantly for his direction and inspiration.

Dale said...

I agree with mom. Very unimpressed with our choices. I didn't hear the speeches.

Tamara said...

I seriously wish I could say I was even an informed voter. I'm pathetic. I had to leave the room during the debates starting before the primaries because I was so sick of the candidates!