Thursday, November 20, 2008

Super Step-Mom

Thanks Michelle for posting the previous pics/post, as well as letting me contribute to the blog. I also wanted to add the following. Last summer Kristin flew out for a weekend that included Stephen Rissers birthday party Friday night. Something the boys learned from her, that normally me being the sugar nazi that I am would probably not have allowed, is that its 'OK' to eat birthday cake for breakfast and lunch the following two days (or until its gone). The first pic is from Sunday morning before church and the second one is Saturday. Note that the cake wasnt actually eaten, or it was eaten just a little...apparently the boys preferred Kristin's "frosting only" approach.

PS: Note my teal leather "Bachelor" sofas that She absolutely can't stand...apparently they are not allowed in the new house. Hey they looked good back in the day!


Dee Lisonbee said...

Yes that is the Kristin we know and love. Those are cute pictures. Thanks for posting the cute pictures of the boys, it is time for this side of the family to get to see them and recognize them close up. They will fit in really well.

Michelle said...

It is a Lisonbee family tradition to eat mostly frosting. Unfortunately, it is children only like the frosting...Malia especially. It's all part of the package!

Michelle said...

And p.s., I don't reallyknow if teal sofas every looked good...(just my opinion, of course)

Tamara said...

Yeah, ask Michelle about the birthday cake I made her in college. I'll give you a hint. She ended up with frosting in her eyebrows. :)

Rickterscale said...

That's genetic, if you didn't know. Michelle and Malia both carry the "frosting only" gene as well.