Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Girls outing?

Hey Lazerbeam Ladies! Mom asked me to find out if the girls were interested in going together to see the Twilight movie while we are in town for Christmas. I know that would require waiting a whole month to see it but I thought I'd ask. Adam said he'd be willing to help watch the kiddos and I'm hoping some of the other boys would want to as well. So, if you're in ladies...holla!!!


Courtney said...

I'd rather throw myself into the middle of the freeway blindfolded. I nearly got a concussion reading that book because I spent half the time banging my head against the wall. I'll help babysit!

Michelle said...

Courtney...are you serious? Who doesn't want to see that movie? What is wrong with you? You should call my friend Aimee...she was cringing all the way through book club when we talked about it and she was ALL ALONE in her opinion!!!!

award said...

I LOVE YOU COURTNEY!!! You are my soul sister!!!

Lisa said...

I'm with Courtney, except that I didn't even attempt to read the books for fear of the head-banging. If you go while I'm there, I'll babysit too.