Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Holidays are upon us

As you all know, with November already here I am thinking and planning and anticipating all the fun we will have sooooo I could use a few bits of info like ....guesstimated dates of arrival in Cali, how long you can stay and play with us and when, if we are unable to tie you up and keep you, you must return to your own homes. Would it be helpful at all for me to get maps from the Auto Club to get from pt a to pt b and back. They are free and often helpful to tell where they anticipate road construction or bad weather etc. we have used them often and would be glad to get them and send them to you. They include maps and places to stay etc etc. We have many things planned = none expensive but all fun so...any special requests for dinner or playtimes are cheerfully accepted. We love you and are thrilled to anticipate seeing you all soon


Michelle said...

I know you're probably talking to the out of staters, but Rick isn't working the week of Christmas so we could be down on the 20th. He will have to leave the 28th and unless we bring two cars, that means we will be leaving that day too...

Courtney said...

Sure michelle, leave the day before my birthday. Why don't you just get married on my birthday too?!?

Mom, I do have a few requests for activities

1) No exams, research papers, or reading assignments.
2) Nothing intellectual. At all.
3) Nothing that even remotely resembles something I'd do in school, it may cause me start having seizures.

and food

The majority of meals can be whatever the heck is easiest for you, but I am putting in my request for something home cooked. AKA:

-not microwaved
-not ordered in
-not pb&j or ramen

I am all too familiar with each of those options.

Need suggestions? How about some homemade chili stew and rolls?

j-liz said...

We are hoping to leave the 19th/20th and return probably before New Years. I have to be back at work on the 2nd and I don't want to spend the best college football day of the year driving through the desert.