Sunday, November 16, 2008

Carter the animal...

Carter had a soccer game yesterday...the kind that Justin would love. A wet and muddy field (I don't know why it was so hadn't rained in quite some time) and some serious action! Carter played goalie during the second quarter and he ROCKED!!!! He dove on the ball like an animal! He had so many goal saves. I think their team ended up losing like 7-0 (or something like that) but during Carter's quarter as goalie, he only allowed one goal and that's because one of his team mates forgot which goal he was supposed to go to and kicked it in his own goal. Carter (and the rest of us) were so surprised he didn't have time to respond. But, the other team didn't score any on him! He is a great goalie because he has no fear. I think he could be really good if he keeps playing. Justin and Matty would love watching Carter at work! Now, playing forward, on the other hand, not so much. He just doesn't get it. I think that's why he's good at goalie. He has his little circle where he likes to stand and if the ball comes to him, he's all over it. If it doesn't, he just stands and watches. That strategy doesn't work so well if you're a forward....Anyway, it was a great game to watch even though they lost pretty badly...


Unknown said...

Jennifer finally taught me how to do this blogging thing. i finally updated ours.
I miss ya.

j-liz said...

I wish I could come to the games. I only saw him play once and that was a few years ago. He was great then too.

Lisa P said...

You just described how Bryce plays--love it!

Evie said...

Go Carter! Being the goalie is very stressful! I love the pic of Malia..she's got that cute little girl pout. Just wait until she's 13 and the boys are dying over her.