Sunday, November 16, 2008


Picture it...Friday night. I drove out to Reedley (like 1/2 hour away) to do my speech for my speech class. I got back at around 8:00, in time to pick up the kids from "movie night" at their school. I brought them all home...hyped up from eating junk at the movie night and running around wild with their friends. Keep in mind, it is well past the 7:00 magic hour where I turn from regular mom into Monster Mom. I was tired and ready for the kids to be in bed. It took awhile since they were so riled up. I finally got them in bed. I came downstairs to clean up the kitchen and within 5 minutes, Jake appeared in front of me with a bloody nose. He and Carter were wrestling (when they should have been sleeping) and Carter landed right on his nose. Now, he could have gone into the bathroom right NEXT to his bedroom. He could've grabbed some kleenex or toilet paper. But instead, he decided to use his hands. So, he drips all the way down the hall, down the stairs down the hall again to the kitchen. Seriously? I'm already monster mom and now I have to clean up all the drips from his bedroom to the kitchen. I was not happy. Then, for my further enjoyment, Bella got up to go to the bathroom and said her stomach hurt. I felt her and she had a fever. Of course we were out of medicine except for some chewables that she hates. She took them anyway after some coaxing along with A LOT of water. After chewing the second one, she kind of got the "this is absolutely repulsive shivers". I was standing in front of her and she turned to look at me and projectile vomited all the water she had just drank. Seriously? So after cleaning drops of blood throughout the whole house, I am now covered in vomit. Is this some kind of joke???


Ginger said...

Oh, Michelle, I am so sorry! Not a fun night!

OlsenFam said...

I'm so sorry.