Thursday, August 16, 2007

Brandon's Photography

Hey! Here are some pics that Brandon has been taking of the girls over the last couple of days. He seems to always have a camera in hand now... and, if I may say so myself, does a pretty good job!!


Adam said...

Gosh, Steph, bring those kiddies back to Carrollton! Your parents are hogging them!! ;)

Tamara said...

AMEN! I'm totally going through withdrawals. Plus, I have to put up with the synergy of testosterone that is Dale and Adam together. For the love! Come tag in! I can't hold them off much longer!

In other news, your girls look bigger even since I saw them last week. And what a fun hobby for Brando to have. You're right. Those are amazingly good pictures for an 8 year old. I hate to brag but I taught him everything I know... ;)

Katie L. said...

Those pictures make Brooke look like one wild child! Where did she get all that hair? Basher is still a mullet-toddler. I do my best, but there is not much to work with on top. And just as a side note, from reading comments, I think the dallas population is addicted to ;) and :).

Stephanie said...

She does look like a wild child in those pics! Since I've been here at my parents house, it seems she actually is blossoming into a wild child! It's like the girls true personalities are starting to come through all of a sudden.

I'm not sure where Brooke got all her hair... definitely not from me! It grows so fast. I'm thinking of getting it cut today into some sort of style. I figure it's a risk that's ok to take since her hair will grow back quickly if the hairstyle doesn't look good. I want it to be all one length and right now it's kind of all over the place, diff. lengths, kinda stringy. Brittany's hair, on the other hand, just doesn't seem to grow! I know what you mean about Basher... Brittany doesn't even have enough hair to constitute a mullet yet. :)

Katie L. said...

But Britt does have a killer afro! Afros are way cooler than mullets.