Monday, August 20, 2007


Can anyone explain to me why life is so stupid sometimes? My dad gave an awsome talk at my brother's funeral. Everybody commented on what a great lesson on the plan of salvation it was. He never typed out a final copy, just gave it from notes so we don't have a copy that way. My mom gave me the tapes of the service so I could just type it out--except for some unknown and lame reason that talk is the only thing not on those tapes. Of all the stuff on there, the one thing we are most interested in is missing. I guess the recorder got bumped after the musical number that preceded him and it came unplugged. What kind of freak accident is that? I am seriously disappointed, not only to be missing the talk but also the recording of his voice and someday I plan to ask why I am being tortured like this. In the words of Nacho (and if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it) "It sucks to be me right now!" And I'm sure Michelle would agree that somebody up there better have a plan and be in control because I sure don't get it.


The Queen said...

Sorry, Katie. That sucks. :(

Courtney said...

Well if it makes you feel any better Kate, I'm kind of having one of those "it sucks to be me right now" moments too. On top of being a week away from moving up to Provo and still not having a place to live, I just sent Mikey over to my old apartment to transport my love sac for me and to my surprise I found out it wasn't there! That's of my sneak little -son of a- roommate stole it. Yes my hundreds of dollars love sac was stolen. A little trivial in comparison with your set back but sucky none the less.

Tamara said...


Not to trivialize your situation but I'm convinced sometimes some days (weeks, months, years) just stink. And I feel like they seem to stink for no reason. If I'm honest with myself, it's probably because Heaven knows you are an example to me of how to handle tough times with grace... I for one suck at it so thanks for taking the lead there.

P.S. I also tend to eat a lot of chocolate on days (weeks, months, years) like usually placates me for the moment at least.

Katie L. said...

I think that might be why I'm nowhere near done being pregnant, and I've already passed the average weight gain mark. Also, I'm certain that if you lived closer to me and could hear Camille say "damn baby" right in the middle of sacrament meeting because Ashley picked up an open ziplock bag by the bottom and spilled Cocoa Puffs all over the floor (purely hypothetical situation of course) you might pick a new example to follow!

The Queen said...

Katie, that is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard! Why do you let Justin talk like that in front of her??? ;)

j-liz said...

Not cool Judy. What's up with assuming it was me?

Stephanie said...

I had to laugh when I read the part about Camille and her wonderful phrase that she yelled out during sacrament meeting! It brought back a certain memory of one of my "not very smart" parenting moments with the girls. It involves the famous Kate term from years back.. Booty funk. So, anyways, not too long ago I was sitting around one day and thought it would be cute to teach the girls how to say Booty-funk just because I laugh everytime I hear anyone, even myself, say that. NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! I repeat.. NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! You can only imagine what ACTUALLY came out of their mouths and to make it worse, they think it's funny and there's TWO of them feeding off of eachother so they keep making eachother laugh which makes them say it even more. They haven't said it in Sacrament meeting yet... I'm sure my day will come. Needless to say, I've learned my lesson! :)

Stephanie said...

Katie, I'm so sorry to hear about everything. Tammy is right, sometimes there are just days (weeks, months, years) like that and thank goodness we have chocolate! Tammy is also right... you are an excellent example of how to handle tough times gracefully. You're an example to all of us. Hope things start to look up for you soon.

Tamara said...

Take home message: Most often, Tammy is right. :)